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"Now why is it that we feel that we're being replaced or something," Amy whined as she sat at the edge of the bathroom counter.

"Yeah," Rachel chimed in as she swung her feet over the counter in the girls bathroom.

"You both know how important you are to me and I don't know what I would do without you two," I looked at my two bestest friends in the whole wide world and I wondered where they came up with this kind of stuff... they could never be replaced. "I love you guys so much and I would die if I lost y'all." I meant every word that came out of my mouth at this moment.

"Aww we love you too" Amy yelled with her big eyes looking at me happily.

"Group hug!" Rachel yelled as she launched herself at the both of us. We all hugged and fell down in a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

"Come on lets go to class before we get a tardy slip." I grabbed their hands as we headed on our separate ways to our different classes.

The rest of the day passed and it was time to head to the doctors appointment.

Walking down the halls of the school to get outside and meet Austin so we can go to the doctor.

"Hey sugar," I feel his arm wrap around my shoulders as he whispers in my ear.

"Hi Austin" 

"Well you don't sound very happy to see me." He fake pouted and I couldn't help but smile at that. 

"I would say I am but quite frankly, I'm not." I teased him as he led me to his car. 

"Ouch!" he feigned hurt as he opened my door for me and walked around to the driver side of his Hummer. 

"Ha ha! Cute!"

"I know.. aren't I?" He started the car and we drove to the clinic for our appointment. We reached the building in 10 minutes time. 

"Ready?" I asked anxiously as I looked over at him the drivers side.

"As ready as can be.." he sighed and got out of the car, I followed suit and we walked to the steps of the building and entered. 

The same lady from the last time was sitting in the same spot but this time she had on a light pink scrubs outfit. 

"Oh hello again, Sarah." she smiled a gentle smile my way as she typed some more on her computer.

"Hi, we're here to see Dr. Wells" 

She nodded and picked up the phone "Mark," she chirped happily into the phone "Sarah Mathews is at the front desk waiting for you to..." she paused "Yes, ok I will send her in for her check up." she laughed as she hung up."Okay Sarah go on up"

I smiled politely at her as I made my way up the stairs with Austin closely by my side. 

We were outside Dr. Wells office and I gave the door two gentle knocks.

"Come in!" I hear through the door. 

We walk in and see Dr. Wells sitting at his desk reviewing my file and when he sees us he looks up and smiles. 

"Hello, Sarah.. Austin" He nods to Austin and continues to talk to me. "I have a nurse that will come in a few seconds and she will get you ready for your examination." 

"And what kind of examination are we talking about?" Austin asked 

"Just a few tests, a blood test of course and a physical examination, routine things like that." 

A pretty brunette haired lady came through the door after a second and she smiled and grabbed my folder from Dr. Wells. She was dressed in scrubs and her hair was in a tight and professional bun.

"Diana, this is my favorite patient, Sarah." I blushed and she laughed

"Mark! You know its highly inappropriate to have a favorite patient" she teased

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