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Ausins POV

"Can we just not do this.. and can I stay in your car?.." she looks up at me with thick eyelashes pleading with me to not make her go inside and face her family, mainly her father. She looks beautiful in her white summer dress and pink strappy heels, hair falling in perfect waves down her back.

"It's going to be fine" I grab her hand and rub circles into it.

She sighs. "Alright, lets go inside and see what happens"

We walk to the front door and the door was open already so we make our way to the dinning room where everyone was sure to be.

We walk hand in hand and the first person that comes to sight is Mr. Mathews. His eyes move to our linked hands and his eyes tighten threateningly. His eyes snapped to Sarah's and he gestured her to his side. I reluctantly let go of her hand and went to find Sarah's  mom.

Everyone at the table was already seated and I grabbed the chair across from Mr. Mathew's wife, Daphne. She smiled pleasantly at me before returning to her blackberry phone.

Sarah sits down next to me and I grab her hand and she squeeze it tightly.

Mr. Mathew sits down and smiles as he takes in the people around him "It's not everyday that I get to be surrounded by the people I love." Jake scoffs at his statement but Mr. Mathews continues as if he didn't hear him. "Since I will be moving into town very soon this seems like a great house warming party."

I looked to Sarah's mom to see how she was handling the news. She looked unfazed.

"Ok! Enough of the warm sentiments. Lets eat!" He rubbed his hands together as he eyed the food Susanne had made.


Sarah's POV

I eye the food curiously and notice no weird aroma, which is good. Mom must have pregnancy proofed the food. I picked up my fork and took a bite of the turkey and mashed potatoes. I love mashed potatoes.

"Wait!" My father exclaimed excitedly. "I have a surprise for you Sar!" He got up from the table and went to his car and brought in the purple container. Usually the purple container was a good thing but now it wasn't so good. It meant that my favorite (not-so-favorite at the moment) dish was inside.

"Sarah," he beamed at me proudly" I got you your favorite meal in the world! Spicy tuna fish casserole, extra onions just the way you like it."

I bit back the bile that rose at the back of my throat. I couldn't eat that but I also couldn't not eat it. I loved tuna casserole and I always was excited whenever my dad brought me some. I looked to my mom for some support. She looked at me, worry the only feature on her face as she shook her head.

Dad approached with the casserole as he put it on the table, directly in front of me. My stomach was not a big fan on this meal and at the moment neither was I.

He took the cover off "Go ahead and dig in" he motioned to the food and I shakily grabbed my fork and dipped it inside the casserole. 'Oh God.'

I looked at Austin and he shook his head disapprovingly, Jake watched with tight eyes.

I picked up a piece of the casserole and scooped it into my mouth and chewed for a second. I tried to swallow but it wouldn't go down. It was like all the contents in my stomach decided to dance around and have a wild party down there.

"Oh God" I felt vomit come up my throat as I held my mouth and rushed to the bathroom toilet and noisily emptied my stomach.

I felt Austin's cool touch as soon as my body collapsed on the floor from exhaustion.

"What the hell--" Dad yelled.

"Sensitivity to smell.." Daphne said out loud to herself. I could hear the wheels in her head spinning as she slowly realized what was wrong with me. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for her to rat me out to my father. But she said nothing else. Thank God.

I brushed my teeth and Austin helped me back to the table. "Umm it must have gone bad. It tasted a little funny too" I murmured

"Hmmm.. that's weird. i did get it fresh from your favorite store" He mused to himself


Austin's POV

"Can you just hold me for a minute?" she looks so vulnerable as she reaches for me and I return the gesture. I envelope her in my arms and rub circles in her back, trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry, Sarah."


Sarah's POV

I hold onto this boy for dear life, begging him to hold onto me just a little longer.

"I'm sorry, Sarah" I froze. Austin just apologized, Austin never apologies willingly. "I'm really sorry. This is my fault.. you don't deserve any of this and I'm sorry." I feel  something inside me breaking as I see  him like this. Apologising to me.

"Don't apologize, it was as much my fault as it was yours." I kissed his cheek and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer into his body. Our dinner went ok after everything and my dad and his wife both left to God knows where.

"I know but--" I crashed my lips on his, effectively stopping his sentence. He messaged my waist as he pulled me even closer and my hands got tangled in his dark hair as the kiss deepened into something else entirely. It was pure and unimaginable bliss.


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-Chioma <3

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