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I feel a hand grab me and I turn around to see Austin staring at me intensely, before I knew it his lips crashed into mine.

He grabbed my face and held it to his as I protested but I finally gave in and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I don't know why I did it, I just did.

He moved away and looked me straight in the eye and smirked at me. I shook my head, I was confused. I must be confused.

"Why did you do that?" I asked after a few minutes passed.

"Because I wanted to" he shrugged "I'm Austin Sanders, I don't need a reason for doing things." he stated cockily.

"You can't just go around kissing anyone you like, Austin!" I scolded him like the 7-year-old he was.

He gave me a puppy dog look "So can I just kiss you?" he asked

I sighed. "Austin.... I don't want to be with you"

"I don't want to be with you either, but I do want to have sex with you" he stated matter of factly. That did it for me. I turned around and begin walking down the hallway.

"Don't tell me you don't want to have sex with me too!" He called out after me. I felt a deep blush coat my cheeks as several people stared at me while I heard giggles and got glares from several girls. 

I rushed to the bathroom and hid inside a stall, taking calming breaths. 'That stupid jerk! How dare he kiss me then make a fool out of me?!?!' I thought as I paced in the tiny stall.

I heard feet approach my stall and then the door was kicked in my none other than Britney Skankington.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the stall, and pushed me into a wall.

"Listen, slut! Stay the hell away from Austin!" she spat at me.

"I don't want Austin" I said calmly. (Talking calmly is the best way to irritate someone who is trying to pick a fight.)

She got angrier, "Yes you do! You think just because you trapped him by getting knocked up that you can have him?!?! Well think again little Sally" She yells

"I don't want Austin" I say again, even more calm

"What the hell is wrong with you!? Why aren't you fighting back?!" she yelled, even more frustrated.

"Well two reasons. 1. Austin isn't worth fighting over and 2. You are not worth my energy." I said as I walked away from her.

She began swearing up a storm but I could care less about her right now. I need to focus on something greater than her, Austin, or even me. I need to focus on this baby growing inside me. For the first time since I became pregnant I actually realize that this baby is all I need and that I would do fine by myself. I put my hand on my stomach and noticed a tiny bump, naked to the human eye, was forming in my abdomen. I smile as I realized that I am going to be a mother and it isn't something to be sad about, actually I'm really happy now.

"Is something wrong?!?!" Jake asked as he came up behind me.

"No Jake, for once, everything is right." I smiled at him and he relaxed when he realized that I was ok.

He hugged me and said "I love you, Sarah and I'm going to be here for you this time. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you before but I'm here to right that wrong."

I gripped him tighter. "I love you, Jakey and I'm sorry too"

The bell rang and Jake walked me to my 2nd period class. I went in and everyone's eyes went straight to my stomach. I sighed and went to take my seat.

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