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A/N: I'm not writing weird accidentally, with the misspelled words for Gianni's part.... I'm trying to write her with her Russian accent and all with weird pronunciation and all. :))


"Your parents have not come altogether, no? They are somewhere with your broothers and seesters, no?" she asked innocently.

"Yeah, they went to visit my aunt, they'll be back sometime this week."

"Mhmm really..." she climbed off the couch and made her way upstairs. "You know its getting really late, we should probably go to sleep" she switched her hips from side to side as walked upstairs.

'Oh God!'

She turned back to see me still on the couch mesmerized by her every move. "Are you not coming upstairs to join me? Do you not want to take a shower Vwith me?"

"Sh--Sh-Shower" I stuttered mindlessly, no other girl had this affect on me but this one. This beautiful Russian Goddess.

"Yes, it's been a large journey and I need a shower, or something like that too make me cool up" she meant cool down, but I don't care.

I ran, nearly tripping over me feet, I felt like I couldn't get to her fast enough.

We walked into the bathroom and she began to strip her clothes, time had done her well. She was was a perfect. "C cup?" I guessed.

"How did you know? Silly boy" she jumped up and down in excitement and I couldn't take my eyes off her half naked body. Clad in nothing but her satin red panties. Wasn't this the perfect picture.

I laughed at how cute she was.

"Why are you still not naked?" she asked with a confused look on her face. "You Vwant me to take your clothes off for you?" she shakes her head but she walks over and starts and fails to unbutton my shirt.

She sighs in frustration "I give up.. stupid American clothing, always has to be so darnt complicated!" she looked cute when she was frustrated.

I unbuttoned my shirt and threw it on the ground. I removed my pants and stood in my boxers in front of her.

She ran her arms around my neck and leaned up to look me in my eyes. "You are everything to me, Aousten. I came here just to be with you and right now I know I have a made a right choice."

She pulled my face to hers and it was like our fist kiss all over again. Our mouths moved in perfect synchronization. Some part of me kept comparing this to Sarah's kisses. They were nothing like this, they were nothing compared to this. But a little part of me would rather be kissing Sarah now.

she took off her remaining undergarments and turned on the water.

Her blonde hair hid her naked body from my view and I whined in protest. She threw her hair back in a care free laugh and I almost dropped to my knees at the sight of this beautiful girl. My whole body went hard at the thought of what I was about to do to this girl.

"Now you! Become naked!" she commanded. And just like that, I did as she said.

I took off my boxers waited for her next order. I enjoyed the satisfaction of watching her approving nod. "Time has also been good to you" she murmured as she stepped closer to me.

She grabbed my hand and led me into the water.

I sink into the soapy water and relax in the steamy water.

"Is it nice?" she asks from the other side of the bath.

"Yes it is. But it would be better if you were inside."

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