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*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

 I hear a loud banging at the door and I feel my heart restart itself. I wonder who is outside the door banging so loudly. Connor went to the store to grab me some Peaches so I'm a little scared to open it. I walk to the door and I hear

"Sarah! Sarah! I know you're in there so open the door!" Austin says on the other side as he continues to bang on the door.

I don't know whether I should say anything or not. I slide down and sit with my head on the door. I wait for him to leave me alone but he doesn't. 10 minutes pass and he's still out there banging on the door.. banging on my heart.

'Where is Connor?' I think as I run my fingers through my hair trying to untangle it a bit.

"Sarah... just open the door so we can talk.. I need to...s say something" I hear him stumble over his words in his effort to talk to me.

I sigh.

"I'm going to leave now but I need to talk to you soon." I hear his footsteps slip away and fade. I wait a minute to see if he actually left before I open the door.

"I knew you were in there" his voice startled me from behind the corridor.

I shake my head and try to close the door. He puts his foot in the door before it closes and he slides in.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" I look him in the eyes and I feel my heart tug a little as his grey eyes pierce my soul. "I really can't stand the sight of you. I want to be happy and  I can't be happy unless your not here. You've hurt me so deeply that sometimes I can't breathe from how much it hurts. I don't want to feel that anymore so please go."

His face distorts into something like pain. He tries to cover it up but I still see it in  his eyes.

"Is that how you feel, Sarah?" his voice cracks as he asks me this.

I nod my head. I know deep down that I don't mean it but 'm tired of getting hurt.

"Ok. I will never bother you again. I won't.." He looked me in the eyes. "I promise" he turned away looked back to me and walked out of the door.

I take in a deep breath and fall to the ground. I curl in a ball and cry like a child. I feel so small and afraid, I can't do this anymore.

I grab my stuff and head out the door and catch a cab to my dad's house.

We get there in about 15 minutes and I walk up the stairs and ring the bell. He came out of the door in khaki pants and a white polo. I throw my arms around him and he carries me like a child and tries to place me on the couch. I greedily latch on to him, not trying to let go of him.

He carries me and sits on the couch and I snuggle into his chest. "Daddy!" I sob into his shoulder. He rubs my back but he doesn't say anything. He just murmurs a soothing  Italian nursery rhyme to me and I feel myself relaxing.

"Feel better?" he asked with a smile. I nod and hiccup a little. "Now what is it that has my little Angel so upset?" he asked as he kept rubbing my back.

I looked up at him through my eyelashes. "Will you still love me after you find out?" I ask

He grabbed my chin and made me meet his eyes. "No matter what you do I will always love you." He kissed my forehead.

I look at my hands and begin speaking "I'm pregnant" I look at my fingers and wait for him to say something. He doesn't.

"How?" he asks after a minute of silence. "How did this happen?"

"Dad you know how it happens... sex."

"Yes but I thought you were a virgin."

"I was and he was the only guy I had ever had sex with. I had sex once and now I'm having his child."

"Who is he?" He asks

I bite my lip, "Austin" I see his eyes tighten at that.

"Not that boy... why that boy?"

"I was stupid and confused, I guess."

He placed his hand gently on my stomach. "I don't know whether I should be furious or happy. I did not expect this."

"Neither did I" I muttered

"How far along are ya.. your not showing."

"I'm about 8-9 weeks in"

"That's... good and I'm glad you told me this today. I really am."

"I love you dad. Thanks for understanding."

"Anytime cupcake. But it doesn't mean I'm not going to kill that Austin boy, because I will."

I laughed a shaky laugh because I knew my father wasn't kidding.


5 days later.

I hear a knock on my door. It's 12 am on a boring Thursday night. I ordered carry out and I wondered for moment if that was them.

'Huh but that would be very speedy service since I just called them a few minutes ago. I rushed to get the door and two unexpected figures stood outside my door. Rick, Austin's friend and Austin slumped on his shoulder.

"Uh, hi. Sarah" Rick said.

"Hi.. what are you doing here and whats wrong with him?" and then I smelled it. Alcohol. "Wait.. is he drunk?"

Rick nodded "He's plastered."

"I don't understand why you brought him to my house?"

"He said he didn't want to go home and he kept saying your name... so I figured he wanted me to take him to your house."

"Ohh No! You have to take him home!"

"I can't my mom is waiting for me at the hospital and I can't be late or she'll flip out.. sorry. He's all yours." He grabbed Austin and layed him down on my couch.

"Ugh!" I groaned

"Sorry Sarah" he said as he walked out of my door.

I sighed as I watched him and saw the dark circles under his eyes and the restless nights that had taken a toll of his face. I resisted the urge to run my fingers through his hair. He looked peaceful for once.

I walk to the closet and pull out a blanket and I walk to the couch and soundlessly drape it over him. I turn to walk away and I feel his hand grab my wrist. "I love you, Sarah" and then he drops my arm and falls back asleep with a peaceful smile on his face.

My whole world just stopped. He said he loved me.

"I love you too, Austin" I placed a kiss on his forehead. He stirred for a bit before falling back asleep.


Thanks for reading!



-Chioma <33333

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