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"I think we should tell your father about this." Mom suddenly said when we were having breakfast. "You know.. about you being pregnant"

"No! We can't! he'll never forgive me for this.." My heart almost lept out out of my chest. My dad is a business man who travels for vast amounts of time. He and my mom divorced 2 years ago and he remarried a day after the divorce. My mom always had a sneaking suspicion that he was having an affair and the fact that he married a day after the divorce was all the proof that she needed. I know that I should I hate him for leaving us, but I just can't find it in me to do that. I love my dad and I know he loves me too.

"I don't know why you even care what he thinks, he obviously doesn't care about us" Jake sneered. He hated our father. Ever since the day the divorce was finalized he grew cold towards him and they never got along after that. Dad only contacted us once a month now.. I really missed him and i wished he would come and get back together with my mom. His new wife Daphne's is a Blonde haired green eyed woman. I don't really don't dislike her but I also don't like her either. I don't know.. I just get a weird feeling whenever I see her. Like she is pretending to be nice to me but she actually hates me.

"Well the reason I brought up your father is... well.. Sarah. Your father is coming to see you this weekend and it wouldn't be fair to keep this from him. We have been hiding this for a little over a month now and soon you will be showing and everyone already knows and it would be better for him to find out from you than from someone else."

She was right. "Ok I will tell him this weekend." I took a deep breath and reached for my bag, it was Tuesday morning and I needed to get to school.

"Come on, Jake. Lets head out"

Our drive to school was relatively silent and I looked out the window the whole time thinking about how I was going to do this. How would I tell my dad about me being pregnant without him flipping out.

I got out of the car and made my way to Austins locker and waited for him to come over.

5 minutes later and he walks over

"So have you finally decided to come to the dark side?" He asked with a cocky smile

"My dad is coming over this weekend.."

"Yeah? and?" he asked sarcastically, not understand the seriousness of the situation

"We have to tell him that I'm pregnant"

His eyes almost popped out of his head when I said I that.

"Oh right.. your dad is going to kill me"

I nodded "I'm pretty positive that is what will happen.. you remember how he flipped out that time he saw me kissing a boy when I was in the 8th grade. The 8th grade! imagine what he will do now that I'm pregnant.. and the fact that your the father! Oh God! He is never going to forgive me and he'll never want to see me agai--

"Sarah, shhh. Don't worry I'll take care of everything. Just calm down and breath"

"You know how my dad gets.. you know how he is."

"I know and everything is going to be ok" He pulled me into a hug and I let him hold me for a minute and then the bell rang, causing us to jump apart.


3 days later

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