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One week later.... Friday

"Arghh" I stretch my arms up as I yawn and feel the after effects of my late night. "Ugh!"

"You okay?" Austin whispers to me.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just didn't get enough sleep last night, I guess."

Austin is spending his free period with me, we are in the library in the back with the plump cushion chairs. This week Austin has been really nice and sweet to me, he has looked after me this whole time keeping me happy and supporting me in every way. This is the Austin that I know and love, not that jerk that parades around the school everyday.

He grabs my hand, "Get up" he says as he lifts me up.


He pushes the cushions closer together and sits down on them. He pulls me into his lap and snuggles me in his chest. I take a deep breath reveling his amazing cologne, it's his favorite. Acqua Di Gio for Men by Giorgio Armani.

I smiled "Your still wearing this?"

He looked a little confused. "Wearing what?"

"The cologne I helped you pick out last year.."

He laughed a throaty laugh "Yeah it's my favorite"

"Well I like it" I yawned again.

I thought I felt him kiss my head but I must have imagined it. My eyes fluttered and then I felt sleep pull me.


I open my eyes slowly and looked around.I'm still in the library.. Wait!


 "Sarah. I'm right here" I turn around and see him at the computer researching something.

"Wait! What time is it?"

"It's 3 o'clock" He said nonchalantly

"Are you kidding me, Austin?!?!" I yelled "I've been asleep for 5 hours and you didn't tell me?!?!?"

"Yeah... and?" He shrugged

"I had a CLASS, Austin!.. I had a TEST in Calculus and I've been cramming all night for it and you made me miss it!"

"Sarah, calm down its really not that big of a deal.. so what you missed a test, just make it up tomorrow."

"it's not that simple, Austin.. it really isn't." I sighed and slumped into the cushions... I studied so hard for this test and now what?

"Like I said, you can make it up tomorrow.." he patted my hand and I sighed again.


"You want to come over today?" He asked. "My parents would love to see you, they miss you and everything."

"Yeah I would love that" I smiled at the thought of seeing his family again. I love them.

We walked to his car and drove to his big white house that I loved so much.

I got out of his car and ran to the front of the door, excited to see his family.

I rang the doorbell about a thousand times so they would know it was me. Roxanne opened the door and I practically flew in her arms.

"Sarah!" she squeezed me into a tight motherly hug. "Tim! Johnny! Charlie! Samantha! Guess who's here"

"I missed you so much Roxanne" I said

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