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"No way!"

"Yes way, love. I'm here to stay."

"That's... interesting"

"Interesting...?" he laughed.

"Yeah its... interesting.. I mean its going to be weird having you here all the time but I guess I'll get used to it"

He grabbed my hand and kissed it "Is it going to be hard having me here with you?" I shook my head.

"Good, I don't want to make things any harder for you.."

I smiled "I know"


*2 weeks later*


Big flashing words appeared on the television. I grabbed Connor's hand as I lay on his chest and listen to the sound of his heart. His sweet and loving heart. Over the past couple of weeks I felt my heart start to open to this boy. This wonderful boy who loves me (I know this because he tells me everyday) I don't think I love him but I do feel something strong for him and he is holding my heart together.

"I wonder what that's about" he muttered gently

"I don't know but it must be something serious since their broadcasting it on television."


The screen then went blank. "Oh my God! A hurricane! No way!!" I shook my head in disbelief. We never have hurricanes, and whenever we do it's never that serious to the point where they make announcements about them.

"Don't worry about it, it's probably nothing"

"Your right.."

"Are you hungry? I can grab you something to eat.. how about pancakes??"

"Sounds good." I rub my tummy absentmindedly as he gets up and goes to his kitchen. Connor lives alone because his parents live in England. They let him travel the world alone but he has to visit them at least twice a month. I slept over his house last night because it was Friday and I didn't feel like going home.

I walk to the kitchen and see him cooking and he looks so cute while he's concentrating. I hop on the counter (which took alot of effort if I may add)

He laughed and looked up to find me breathing all hard and out of breath from my little work out. "You good?"

I stick my tongue out and he smiles and goes to the fridge. "Mmmhmhhm... they smell so yummy" I murmur

"Wait until you taste em" He grabs a plate and puts in on the counter. I move to try and get down but he picks me up and puts me down.

I blush as he lands me on my feet and I gaze into his eyes. I know he wants to make a move but I usually pull away at that time. Not now, I hold his gaze and wrap my arms around his neck as I stretch to place my lips gently on his. He looks at me in shock but he doesn't question it.

I giggle and walk over to the table. Leaving him frozen in his very spot.

"Aren't you going to feed me?" I pout and pull my hair into a loose ponytail.

"O-okay" he said as he stumbled into the table

I laugh a little at how cute he is.


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