The test was positive

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A week later.

Later on in the night. Austin was staying over and he climbed into bed with me again. "Please leave" I whispered, with a shaky voice. "You don't want me to leave" he said as he began tugging at my shirt, trying to get it off of me. "Stop" i said. I was getting tired of this little game he was playing with me. "You don't want me to stop" He said as he began kissing my neck. "Just go" I said as I could feel my voice fading away from everything, I could feel my voice receding and soon enough nothing came out. I couldn't talk. Why is it so hard for me to say no.. why? 'because I want to make him happy' my heart said. 'your stupid for letting him take advantage of you like this' my brain said. My mouth said nothing. I felt his hand go in my shorts and I stayed still not wanting to upset him or anything, he took his hand out and looked at me. "I....Sarah..I'm..." he seemed lost for words and then he said "Don't cry" I hadn't realized I was crying till I tasted the salty demons.

"Did I hurt you or anything?!?" he asked getting alarmed "I told you to stop" I sobbed. "I'm sorry, Sarah" he said mortified. "Go!" I yelled at him. I couldn't handle it anymore. I felt like a toy that only like to play with when he got bored. I felt like a used napkin. I curled into a ball and cried for what seemed like and eternity before sleep took me.

I woke and tried to get up to check my clock when suddenly my stomach churned and I felt like I was going to vomit. I ran to the bathroom and threw up mostly all the contents in my stomach. "Oh, God what the hell is wrong with me?" I muttered as I flushed the toilet, brushed my teeth and showered. I looked at clock and it was 1pm... wait 1pm "Crap!" I had slept through the day.

I had a lunch date with the girls today and I wasn't so sure I could make it. I called them to try to cancel but they wouldn't hear of it so they drove over and we went to my favorite Mexican grill, Chipotle. We ordered our food and went to Amy's house to eat. When I opened my burrito bowl the smell hit me so hard that my stomach lurched in protest at the food. "Oh God" I muttered as I ran to Amy's bathroom and threw up again.

I got up and washed my mouth and came out the bathroom to find Amy and Rachel staring at me. "Are you ok, Sarah?" Rachel asked, eyeing me suspiciously. "Yeah" I shrugged... why wouldn't I be. "You've been acting kinda strange all week and you look a little different, like you look sick all the time" Rachel said quickly. "Is there anything you need to tell us, Sarah?" Rachel asked. "I said I'm fine" I muttered, wondering why she was acting this way "It was just the food... the smell makes me sick" They both looked at each other "if I didn't know any better I'd say you were pregnant but knowing that your still a virgin that possibility is way out of the question" I felt my mouth getting dry as I tried to gulp. "Welll...." I said nervously. "I mean you are still a virgin, right? and if you weren't you would tell us, right?" Rachel asked with an arched brow. ' see..I... ILostmyvirginitytoAustinAcoupleofweekagointhebackofhiscarafteraparty" I said quickly. "Huh?" They said in unison. I said "I lost my virginity to Austin a couple of weeks ago."

They both stared at me shocked by what I had just said, "No way!" Amy said after a few seconds. "Way." I said while I sat down on the couch. "OMG! So how was it!?!?" She exclaimed "I heard he is like a Sex God, like he's a wild animal in bed." I stared at her like she was crazy. "So??? How was it?" She asked excitedly. "It was horrible" I muttered. "I mean, he seemed like he was having fun but I wasn't, I felt sick and dirty. It wasn't gentle, or romantic or anything like that. We did it in the backseat of his truck." I said as tears began to fall from my face. "Ohhh, Sarah, I'm sorry" She hugged me and I held onto her, really needing her support now. "Sarah there is something else.." I looked up at her. "What do you mean?" I said while wiping the tears from my face.

She sighed and looked at me sadly "I think you might be pregnant." I got up. "No." I shook my head. "I can't be. Your crazy." She walked over to me "Think about it. Your throwing up all the time, your is nose becoming extra sensitive to foods, you said you haven't gotten your period in a while..." I blanched out thinking through her points and I realized that she may be right. I might be pregnant. "Oh God." fresh tears began to pool in my eyes.

Amy grabbed her car keys and went to CVS to buy a test for me. She came back 6 minutes later. We went to the bathroom and I peed on the stick and waited for a couple of minutes. I walked over to the test and Amy and Rachel did the same. It said positive.

I was pregnant. 


VOTE AND COMMENT if you think I should continue. If I get no comments then I will just stop here and not continue. Thanks

-Chioma <3

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