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Sarah's POV

"When can I go home?"  I asked the doctor after he finished giving me my medicine.

"Well the baby is out of danger... for now, but you still need your rest."

"But I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go home." Who the hell did he think he was to tell me that I couldn't go home if I felt better. "I just want to go home" I muttered.

"Sarah, it would be much better for you if you stayed here in bed, and got some more bed rest" I sighed and turned away from him, I didn't care enough to argue anymore.


Connor's POV

I make my way over to the hospital to see the girl that I love. The girl that I have loved since the first time I saw her at Yogi Castle when we were twelve.


I walk into Yogi Castle with my best friend Luke. Today was just the perfect day for frozen yogurt, it was warm and sunny outside and the clouds came and went at the perfect times.

I walk inside and my heart nearly jumps out of my chest as I see this cute brunette at the counter, she looked about my age or a little younger but I didin't care, all I knew is that she was beyond words.

"It weighs 3 lbs... so that's $4.35" the guy at the cash register says.

I walk up to the counter and quickly pay for her ice cream before she has a chance to reach for her fuzzy blue wallet.

I smiled at her charmingly and she gave me a nice sweet smile. "Why did you do that?" she asked sweetly and I just shrugged.

"I think your cute, love" she blinked at me and then told me my British accent was lovely.


From that day on we have been best friends, and nothing more than that. Every time we made some progress past the friend zone she would try to chase after Austin, even though he had multiple girls on his arm and he never paid her any mind. I was always there as a rebound. Whenever she was angry or felt jealousy toward Austin or one of his toys she would use me as her "boyfriend". I didn't mind being used, but only because I loved her. We were so close to dating but then I wanted to see the world, I wanted to travel to find something else out there that could be possibly made better by me. I went to Africa and made a difference.

I walked up the stairs and asked the nurse for her room number.

"Room 29B" she murmured softly

I walked swiftly to her room and knocked twice. Nothing. I knocked again. Nothing.

'Was she not inside?' I thought about leaving but I first had to make sure.

I opened the door and walked in. She was there laying on her side.

She sighed "Whoever you are, please leave. I'm not in the mood to entertain guests right now."

Her voice sounded different,like there was no life to it, like she was another person.

"Sarah?" she whipped her head around and her eyes turned to me as she blinked back a couple of tears. Her face looked tired and worn out. I know she had been through a lot but I didn't know it would all affect her so much.

"Connor, please leave. I don't want you to see me like this. I don't want anyone to see me like this. Especially you."

"I'm not leaving you, I'm going to help you through this as best as I can. I need you to believe that I won't leave you. I will never leave you."

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