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"Are you sure, that you want to go to school today?" Mom asked after I finished getting dressed.

"Yeah, I've been out for like a week, I'm fine and I need to keep up at school and I can't do that if I don't go to school." I sigh and grab my jacket.

She sighs in defeat "Fine, I'll drop you off today." She grabs her keys and walks to the front of the door

"Are you sure sweetie?" she looks worriedly at me.

"Seriously, mom. I'm fine. I'm a big girl. I can handle anything that's thrown at me."

"I know you can, I just worry sometimes. I'm a mother and it's my job to worry about you" she pulled me into a surprising hug and pulled away before grabbing her keys off the hook by the door and walking outside.


"Hey Sarah, are you ok?" some random girl comes up to me.

"Fine, great actually" I smiled and began to walk away

"So yeah about Austin.."

"We aren't together if that's what your wondering"

She blushed furiously "Uh..."

I walk away before she can say anything.

Rachel and Amy grab me into a group hug and I briefly wonder what my life would be without these two.

They walk me to my first period class and I grab a seat in the back and try to ignore the pitying stares from my classmates as I focus on what the teacher is saying.

The rest of the day was uneventful and now it is time for Lunch. I walk to my usual table with Rachel and Amy and I'm surprised to find Austin not in the cafeteria at all. Instead the person sitting at his usual seat is not who I would have expected to be there,

"Connor?" I laugh a little as I see him and his beautiful shining spiked blonde hair with his piercing and gentle eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I told you, I want your heart. The best way I can do that is to be here for you 100% of the way" I felt my heart speed a little bit but I ignored it.

"Uhh.. thanks. What's in the bag?" I murmured as I eyed the pink lunch bag

"Apple sauce, a turkey sandwhich with rye and pickles"

I raised my eyebrow carefully "I'm impressed"

"Go ahead and dig in" He said after a moment.  Amy and Rachel just stood there with a knowing expression on their faces.

"Where's my lunch?" Amy pouted cutely

"Yeah, I was just about to ask the same question. I hope you didn't forget about your other friends here."

I opened the bag and grabbed the sandwhich. Unwrapping it, I sniffed it curiously and took a big bite. I chewed slowly and enjoyed the best sandwhich I had ever tasted.

Connor rolled his eyes and snorted "Last time I checked you both weren't carrying another human being in your stomach"

"He's got a point there" I said around the food in my mouth.

"You shouldn't talk with your mouth full! It's not at all lady like" Rachel said as she drank her bottle of water.

I opened my mouth wide so that she could see the chewed food in my mouth "Mwahhahh" I yawned and everyone at the table burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

We finished with lunch and we walked out to go to the library. "So how did you get into school, like how are you here right now?"

He looked at me with a big smile on his face.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you?... I'm transferring here to finish my Senior year." My jaw almost dropped to the floor.


Mini - Cliffhanger : What do you think will happen now that Connor has transferred to Sarah's school?

Guys please please please COMMENT and VOTE! Every time I get a notification or an email saying that someone voted or commented then it makes me want to keep updating and writing. I haven't been writing because I have been so busy with school and with everything like that but now I promise that I will be updating alot more frequently. I will try to update every 2-3 days or maybe sometimes even once a day. It's the weekend soon so expect a few more uploads than usual.


-Chioma <333

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