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The door smashed open and I looked straight into the eyes of Austin Sanders.

"Sarah, Oh God. What have you done?!?!" I felt myself being lifted from the water and I protested. 

"Auspin, leb me Aaelone" Talking was so hard. 

"SOMEONE HELP! ANYONE! JAKE! SUSANNE!"  I heard footsteps as my family rushed up the stairs.

"My baby!" I heard my mom cry 

"Sarah!" Jake yelled

"Someone call 911 NOW!" he bellowed

"Sarah, why would you do this?" Austin whispered. I could here my mom crying, more like sobbing as she rubbed my hair.

"Go get something to tie her wrists" Jake said suddenly

"No" I moaned. 

"The ambulance is almost here" Mom said between tears

My eyelids started to get heavy and everything was going to darkness. "Goodnight" I murmured.

"No! Sarah! Stay with us! Please!" Austin shakes me but I can't stay, I don't want to stay. I hear the ambulance truck outside and then I die.


I open my eyes to a bright light. I must be in heaven already. I smiled and then I heard a beeping noise and turn to see a heart rate monitor.... I'm at the hospital, not dead.

"Her eyes are open" I hear someone say, I turn around and see a nurse run outside. My family runs inside and my mom reaches my hand and grabs it.

"Sarah..." She begins to cry and I instantly feel horrible, "I'm a bad mother that I couldn't see.. how didn't I notice.. why didn't I know... I should have known" She sobs 

"Mom I'm sorry for what I did...." I began to cry "I'm so sorry.. I just couldn't handle everything and... I don't know" 

"Sarah." She looked me in the eye "Why didn't you tell me about the baby?" 

"Baby." I whispered "I'm sorry mom, I'm so sorry. I screwed up so bad. I wanted to tell you but I was scared... I was so scared." The tears wouldn't stop, they flowed relentlessly.

"Shhh.. honey it's okay" She grabbed me in a hug as she rubbed my back. The tears flowed harder and harder. Sobs racked my body as I released all the pain from these last few weeks. I let all my emotions come out and soon I was exhausted.

"I'm so sorry mom.. I am"

"I know baby girl, I know" She kissed my forehead. "Get some sleep.

"Okay" I mumbled as I fell asleep. 


My eyes fluttered open as I felt someone grab my hand. I looked up and into the eyes of Austin Sanders. 

"Hi" he said after a while.

I moved my hand from his "Hi" I mumbled as I looked down at the blue hospital blanket. Analyzing the pattern on it, trying to keep myself from looking in his eyes. Those stormy grey eyes... stop it, Sarah. I shook my head.

"Are you ok?" He whispered

"I'm fine"

He sighed "Sarah, what have I done that has made you so cold towards me?" 

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