Everything New

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"What?!?! Open your fucking mouth, Sarah!"

"I'm pregnant" I scream at the top of my lungs "You're the father!" I feel him let go of my as if I had shocked him. He stumbled backwards.

"No" He whispers

I looked up at his face and saw so much hate that it made flinch from the intensity of his gaze. Oh God, he hates me. I disgust him. I deserve his hate. I ruined his life. I ruined everything.

"Austin, I'm sorry" I cry

"Your lying, Sarah! You're a liar, do you know how pathetic you are to actually try to trap me by making up some bogus story about how I got you pregnant!" he spat

"Austin, I'm not lying please..." I reach out for him, trying to make him understand.

He flinched away from my touch "You disgust me, Sarah. I want nothing to do with you, do you understand me? Even if you are pregnant it's not mine, I know that for sure."

I felt pain of an unimaginable measure shoot through my body as my heart broke into a million pieces right at his feet.

"Austin, its true" Amy said calmly

"Like hell it is, she's a liar, a disgusting liar" I felt all the air leave my body as I gasped for air. My heart was in a frenzy and I couldn't breathe.

"Hee hee" The only sounds that were coming from me. I couldn't breathe, "Hee hee" I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I dropped to the floor and my hand went to my chest as my lungs were shutting down.

"She's having a panic attack!" I heard someone say

"Sarah." I felt Austin kneel beside me "Shit!"

"Someone get the nurse and get Jake!" They screamed

"Sarah, take a deep breath, now. 1,2,3" I tried but nothing worked.

"Sarah!" I heard Jake's voice. He knelt down and grabbed me, pulling me in his lap. "Sarah, look at me" He whispered in a calm voice and I looked at him. "Can you see me?" he smiled at me. "Now look at your locker.. do you see it?" I could feel air filling my lungs as I listened to the sound of his voice.

"Ok... is that better?" he murmured while he stroked my hair. "Now take a deep breath, do it with me."

I took a deep breath and let it fill my lungs and I breathed out. "Ok, shhhh. Its alright." he whispered gently

The nurse rushed down the hall "Bring her to my office!" I felt Jake lift me and I snuggled deeper into his chest like I did when we were little.

We reached the office and he sat me down on the cot while the nurse brought me water and checked me out. "Sarah," she said gently "Can you take a couple of baby breaths for me? Just baby breaths." I did as she asked as she checked my pulse.

"Jake, can I speak with you outside?." She looked over at Jake and they both walked out of the office.

I listened and I could hear some of their conversation.

"Do you know what triggered her panic attack?" She asked

"I have no idea, she used to have panic attacks when she was little but ever since the 5th grade they suddenly went away." 5th grade... when Austin moved into town. I didn't listen to the rest of their conversation as I felt something click, Austin hates me and wants nothing to do with me. He hates me and I understand why.

Jake walked into the room and moved my hair from my face.

"Sarah, what happened?" He asked

I should tell him before he finds out from someone else, I'm sure everyone at school knows by now. I took a deep breath.

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