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Monday Morning .... 6am

I rush to bathroom and throw up again, the morning sickness was not getting any better.

"That's really gross you know" Austin said from my bed.

"I know, but I cant really help it, I'm pregnant. Incase you forgot" I shrugged and he came around and walked me back into my room. He snuck into my room lastnight at 3am and we fell asleep talking about nothing.

He slumped in the bed and pulled me down with him. I shrugged off of him and walked to my window to look outside.

"What are you thinking about you?" I looked over at Austin and he was perfection in my bed. His slender form sprawled out against my baby blue comforter.

"Nothing." I mumbled "I'm thinking about absolutely nothing" I looked over at him from the side of my eye "You should go home and go get ready for school." I combed my fingers through my tangled hair.

"Nah, I'll just get ready here." My eyes almost bulged out of my head.

"Are you kidding?!?! You can't get ready HERE! What if someone sees you come out of my room.. what would they think?"

He shrugged. "I already knocked you up, what more can I do.." He said nonchalantly

"Sometimes, you can be douche" I walked to the bathroom and slammed the door hard. I can't believe him.. how dare he say something like that... what does he mean "what more can I do.." There is so much more that he can do.... he can break my heart.

I stripped out my clothes and began the shower, the warmth of the water washed over me and soaked my hair as it dripped down my back . I grabbed my favorite Strawberries and cream shampoo and washed my hair thoroughly as I took the rest of my shower. I got out and wrapped myself in my towel and put a robe on.

I realized that Austin was still in my room I mentally slapped myself for not bringing my change of clothes out with me to the shower.

I walked into my room just to find it empty.

"Austin?" I looked around, behind my door, in my closet and even under my bed. He wasn't in my room. I ran downstairs and tried to see whether he may have been there eating breakfast but he wasn't there either.

I went upstairs and got dressed, putting on a dark blue tank top and black skinny jeans. My hair, still wet, was dripping all over my tank.

The doorbell rang and I ran to it to see Austin on the other side of my door. He had on black skinny jeans and a dark blue V- neck shirt that clung to his figure in every way possible. It kinda looked like we matched.

I looked down at my outfit and back at his.

"I don't know if we are at that stage where we start color coordinating our outfits..." He chuckled.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." I mocked him."I'm going to go change" I muttered turning away to go upstairs.

He laughed and grabbed my arm "No, don't. We look cute."

I sighed. "Fine."

We drove to school, arguing about what music to play. I wanted to play Taylor Swift's "Never Getting Back Together" but no he wanted to listen to Trey Songz "Heart Attack" He won and began to serenade me in the car.

We got to school and he walked me to my locker. I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

I don't know why I did that..

'Stupid! Stupid!' why did I just kiss him?  I turn around and see Austin walking off in the opposite direction.

'Ugh!'  I think that I may have ruined everything. I rush into my English class, ready to be over with everything already. When my next two classes were over with I went to the usual table where Austin and I usually sit... he wasn't there.

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