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On the drive home from the hospital my mom grabs my hand and rubs circles in it. I sit still and stare out the window thinking about what the doctor said.

"You need to know that there is another life inside of you now, you can't be selfish anymore. When your hungry, eat. When your thirsty, drink. When your tired, sleep. Is that clear?" I nod my head. "The baby is fine now but you can't keep putting him at risk. I'm going to need you to come in next week so we can do another check up and get a closer look at the baby."

"Okay, I'll be there" I say

We pull into my driveway and I see Conner there waiting for me, I run to him and throw my arms around him. Conner is my best guy friend, he is everything to me and more. He knows everything there is to know about me and I know the same about him. 

"Conner!" I cried, happy to be with my best friend again.

"Hey Sare bear, did you miss me?" He asked

"Of course I did. Ugh! I don't understand why you went on exchange for so long!" Conner is all about adventure and everything like that, he went to Sudan and he loved it.  He would always send me postcards and emails of his adventures, he's been to all 7 continents.

"Sorry, you know I can't help it. America is so daft." I loved his accent, he was from South Africa but he's white and has a British accent, it's really cute.

I giggled "Tell me about it" 

He shook his head and I grabbed his hand and took him to my room. 

"It's been a while since I've been in here" he sighed as he flopped down on my bed. "Sooo, what have I missed?"

"Well..." I looked down at my fluffy tan carpet 

"Well??" He asked quietly

"Did I mention I was nffnaffker pregnant akfrk." I mumbled adding random letters to the word to save me some time.

"Huh?" he asked as he raised his eyebrows.

I said "njfeanfnr I'm pregnant akfgeorier"

"Sarah, when you do that I know something big is going on so you might as well just spit it out." he laughed

"I'm pregnant!" His eyes nearly flew out of his head when I said that.

"Excuse me, love, but could you repeat that one again.. I'm sure there must be some cotton in my ear or something" He used his pinky to wriggle his ears. 

"No, its true. I'm pregnant at 16." I slumped to the ground defeated. 

"How? You're a virgin."

I sighed "I WAS a virgin"

"Who? When? Where?" He shot off question after question never giving me a chance to answer.

"Austin...." His eyes tightened "A couple of weeks ago and in the back of his Hummer." I looked away from him and looked out the window, afraid of his reaction, he probably thinks I'm a disgusting slut.

"Sheesh, Sarah!" He got up from my bed "Why would you let that jerk do that to you?" He started pacing "I'm going to kill him" 

"No, Conner.." I pleaded

"Sarah, I know you and that is something that you would ever do unless you had no choice..." He looked me straight in the eye. "Did.. did he force you?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"I don't know why I said yes, it just kind of happened, I didn't know what was going on and I really wanted him to like me so I guess I kinda just went along with whatever he wanted to do."

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