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"Okay if I win... I want you this year for Halloween to dress up as a naughty school girl... but just for my eyes only.. I don't want any other guys to get any ideas ya know." I gasped and blushed furiously but then I thought about it and regained my composure.

"And if I win... I want YOU to dress up as a naughty school girl with a wig and everything but instead of wearing it for my eyes only.. I want you to come to school dressed like the naughty school girl." I smirked when I saw his composure falter for a minute. But if he was the Austin Sanders I knew, he would definitely not back down.

"Deal" he said as a mischievous grin formed on his lips.

I smiled as I realized that there is no way that I can lose.


After an hour we were STILL playing. We were tied and my arms were getting tired but I also knew for a fact that I could not lose.

"I bet your hungry baby girl.. why don't you take a break." Austin murmured in my ear as he walked to the table and grabbed a bottle of water.

I smiled sweetly "Not gonna happen"

He shrugged as he walks back to the other side of the table. "Suit yourself.."

He threw the ball in the air and hit it with striking force, luckily I was paying attention and was able to hit it back to his side of the net. We went on like this and the score was now 14-14.. we were tied... again. He was really good, surprisingly good in fact. I feel my resolve weakening as the time passed, it's now 5pm. We have been in here for hours playing this game and no one has won yet.

"I could do this all day you know" he smiled a seductive smile and I felt my legs turn to jelly. For that moment, that little distraction had cost me the game because before I knew it, the ping-pong ball was flying across my head and into the wall behind. I watched silently as the ball bounced from the wall and fell on the floor, it bounced several times before it rolled aimlessly to the other side of the room.

"You cheated!" I glowered at the boy in front of me.

He gave me his best innocent expression "And how would I have managed to do that?" he asked, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"You.. you.. GRRR.." I growled at him and walked away.

I felt his arms grab my waist and I fell into his embrace. "Don't be mad, babe. You really don't want to see me in a girls outfit" he chuckled in my ear and I smiled at the fact that he had called me "babe". He kissed my temple "Plus don't you want to wear a school girls outfit once more before you blow up like a balloon"

I giggle "A balloon?"

"Yeah a big fat balloon full of love and warmth" He kissed my nose "and beauty" he said while kissing my cheek.

He was doing it again... making me love him.


2 weeks later

"Can I have two large whopper meals and a mocha frappe instead of the drink--- wait scratch that" he turned to me as he laughed "I forgot you weren't supposed to have caffeine.. bad for the baby." I smiled in awe of this boy. Over the last couple of weeks Austin has amazed me, it's like he went and had a complete transformation, he was a different guy.

"You remembered!" I gushed as I beamed at him.

"Ofourse" he laughed.

The sound was music to my ears.

"So a chocolate milkshake then?" he asked with a smile on his face.

I nod and bit my lip. As my mind raced and I think about how his lips would feel on mine now at this very moment.

"That'll be $15.25" the cashier spoke through the speaker. "Drive down and you can receive your food."

He put the car in drive and drove down and the food was ready, he paid and handed me my milkshake.

"Have a nice day" the cashier said happily as we drove out of the Burger King and headed to my doctor's office for my appointment. I kinda didn't want to go to the doctors because I didn't want to go alone but Austin thinks it isn't safe for me not to go. I don't like doctors much anyway.

We pull into a park and we sit the car and eat. He looks in the bag hungrily and he hands me my whopper and fries.

I begin picking at the fries and he looks over at me worriedly, "Not hungry?" he placed his hand on my small but definite baby bump. "I bet little dude is hungry" he smiled adoringly down at my stomach and I felt butterflies all around. Again like I said, his behavior has changed surprisingly and it's like he actually wants this baby. I don't know though....

"Yeah I guess I should feed "little dude" I quoted him as I laughed at his cute name for our baby.

He unwrapped my whopper and took out the onions and the tomatoes and ate them for me. He knew I didn't like onions or tomatoes in my burger. He handed it to me and I took a big bite..

"Yum," I said around a mouthful of food.

We finished eating and we drove 10 minutes then we reached the pregnancy clinic.

"Ready?" he asked with a smile.

"No.. but let's go."

He sighed, "Don't worry I won't let the big bad doctor hurt you" he teased

"Ha ha. Not funny"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, "Come on"

We reached the front desk and a woman at the desk smiled kindly at me "Hello, do you have an appointment?"

"Yes, we have an appointment with Dr. Stewart."

"Oh I'm sorry to tell you this but Dr. Stewart is in Algeria now."

"Well.. do you have any other doctor that can take care of me?" I asked nervously, as I squeezed Austin's hand gently.

"Preferably a female" Austin interjected quickly

She shook her head, "But we do have a new doctor that just joined us.. His---"

Austin cut her off immediately "No men, I don't want any random man touching her"

I huffed.

"Oh, here he is! Dr. Wells!" she exclaimed excitedly and I turned around to see an Adonis model come from behind me and walk up to the desk.

'Wow!' I thought as I looked at this man, he looked like a man fresh from college, in his early twenties. Dark brown shaggy long hair and gorgeous blue eyes.

I heard a cough and saw Austin's annoyed expression 'What?' I mouthed to him.

He shook his head and looked away.

"Yes, Ms. Bishop?" he drawled with his wonderful accent.

She looked flustered for a moment before she composed herself and smiled and pointed at me "She needs a doctor and I was just recommending you to her."

He turned his gaze to me and I felt my cheeks heat up. "H-hi" I heard myself stutter and I knew I must have sounded like an incompetent school girl.

"Hello, young lady, "His gaze travelled over my body "And what might your name be."

"S-sarah Mathews"

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" I felt my cheeks flame up again as I blushed harder.

"Thank you" I giggled.

Austin pushed me behind him, "Austin Sanders" he stated as he shook the doctors hands. I could feel him challenging the doctor and I rolled my eyes.

"You're the brother, I assume?" He asked after a moment

"Well you assumed wrong. I'm the boyfriend actually."

Boyfriend? Since when?

"He's not my boyfriend" I stated matter of factly. I saw hurt flash across Austin's face before another emotion forced its way on... anger. A cocky smile spread on his face.

"Sorry, I'm not her boyfriend, I'm just the sperm donor..right, Sar?"

"That's not what I meant.." I said quickly.

"I know what you meant." He said sharply "If we can't find a female doctor, can we find another clinic?"

"I would love to be your doctor Sarah." Dr. Wells stated earnestly.

I felt myself agreeing with him "You would? That's amazing. Thank you Dr. Wells"

"Call me Mark." He grinned like he had just accomplished something great. "Today I have meeting, so how about we check out you medical records and I go over some formalities with you before we get down to the nitty-gritty"

I smiled "That sounds perfect" I looked over at Austin and he looked beyond angry. Oh well, he would just have to get over it, I liked Mark, he seems like a good person and I want him to help me through this pregnancy.

We went into his office and we went over my medical records and everything. We scheduled an official appointment for tomorrow so that we could see the baby and do a formal check up.

"Thank you for everything, and I'm sorry about Austin" I smiled sheepishly

"It's understandable, if I had such a beautiful girl in my life I would feel the same way." he gave me a weird look before he covered it with a warm smile.

"I guess, I laughed nervously "But thank you for this, I really appreciate everything."


I walked out of his office and Austin wrapped me in his arms. "Are you ok?!? Did he hurt you or try anything with you? I told you I should have come inside with you" He glared at Mark as he came out of the office.

"Don't worry she's in good hands" he winked at me and I heard Austin growl.

Mark laughed and walked down the hall. He got in the elevator and went on his way.

"There's something off about that guy... I just get this weird feeling when I see him. I don't want you to see him alone.. ever."

I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him.

"I just don't know what I would do if anything happened to you." He kissed my forehead and led me to the parking lot.

"And what was that bit about me not being your boyfriend?" he asked suddenly.

"Your not" I muttered.

"I mean everyone already thinks that were together. We act like it. So why can't you just be my girlfriend?"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes "You just want me to be your girlfriend so that no one else can have me."

"Exactly." he said as if it was obvious.

I sighed "That's not what I want Austin."

"You don't want to be my girlfriend? Well that's a first. Any girl at school would kill to be under my arm.. but you.. no?"

"I'm not every girl Austin"

"I didn't mean it like that" he muttered.

"Yes you did and it's okay."

He started the engine and we drove in silence all the way to my house.


Okay guys I finally posted!! Yyayayaayayy!

So please COMMENT and VOTE and I will try and update more frequently

Next Update: Saturday

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I'm starting to do a schedule and I will TRY to follow it! If I don't follow the schedule then I will post 2 posts everyday for a 3 DAYS! PROMISE!

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