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I have a feeling some of you guys are going to love this chapter :) 

READ ON! lol <333


I open my eyes to the sound of my blaring alarm clock. "Ouch!" My head feels like it has been through the washing machine and the spinning just won't stop. "3am!" The clock flashes on and off.  I briefly wonder why my alarm rang 3 hours early than it was supposed to.

I feel the weight of someone's arm around my waist, twisting slowly I see Austin.

Wait.. what?!?

"Austin!" I scream.

"Mhmhmm" he mumbles sleepily. I quickly hop out of my bed and wonder how he got here in the first place. The last thing I remember is leaving him on my couch and going to sleep. How did he get into my bed.. let alone my room.

"Austin," I sigh and grab his arm. "Get out of my bed." He grabs my arm and pulls me onto the bed with him. My heart beats at a mile a minute.. I didn't know his touch still had this effect on me. 

"Austin" I whisper breathlessly.

He opens one eye and then the other. A lazy smirk on his face.

"Good morning" he whispers huskily.

I feel a smile play on my lips as I stare into his eyes. Oh God.. I still love this boy so much.

"Is that a smile I see?" he asks with a laugh.

"Maybe.." I laugh with him and I genuinely feel happy with him right now.

"Sarah..." I put my finger to his lips.

"Don't say anything that will ruin this." I don't know what I'm doing. But I know holding hate in my heart is unhealthy. "I want today to be peaceful. I don't want to think of anything negative that will ruin this" I look him straight in the eye. "I know that your going to break my heart regardless but today, I really don't care.. I just want to do something stupid today. Loving you is stupid."

He leans in to kiss me and I let him. I've missed the feeling of his lips on mine. Soft and gentle yet urgent and passionate.

"I love you, Sarah. I do." he whispers in between kisses.

"I thought you said you didn't love me" I said to him even though I knew otherwise.

"I have always loved you, it just took me a while to realize it. You are the most important thing to me. I don't know what I would do without you." His words pierce my heart and sear me to my core.

"What about Gianni?" I ask quickly "Don't you love her?"

He nodded "She was my first love. I want her but I need you. I have always needed you."

"But I thought you two were together.."

"We broke up a couple of days ago because I chose you over her. I told her that I would always choose you over her. I meant it."


He nods his head and puts his forehead together with mine "And what about that Connor kid?" He asks after a moment.

"I told him I wasn't ready for a relationship and he told me he needed time to himself so he returned back to England for the time being." I felt tears in my eyes as I realized that I had potentially lost my best friend.

He wipes my tears from my face. "It's okay. Don't cry."

"I know I shouldn't," I sniffle and try to contain the tears that are trying to escape. "But I feel like I just lost a best friend"

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