Moving Forward

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Harris, 10 years later

It was around one it the morning when my friends dropped me off at the castle entrance, the guards bowed to me, and I just waved them off. I was stumbling towards the kitchen to try and get something to drink to help prevent a hangover. As I walked into the kitchen I saw the light was on and I could smell some sweets, being baked. I stumbled against a rack holding some pans that made a loud noise as they fell onto the floor. I slowly picked them up trying to put the pans in their designated spot.  "Your Highness, let me get those for you." I moved away so the servant could put them away for me, because I was too buzzed to care. The servant turned around and I recognized those eyes, they were always my most favorite color; green. She then went about what she was doing, and I tried to follow  " So are you baking something?" She was walking towards the oven and nodded her head, I kept following her " Can I have one please when they're done?" Man was I so hungry and acting like a child, "Yes, but just one, there for someone."

I was able to get my cookie and I was eating it in the silence as I watched her clean and ignore me, let me just say women don't ignore me I'm a Prince and I have the good looks. I've come to expect this from Thea, one day she just turned into a psycho never talking to me. I didn't even try to find out why, because she was lucky to be my friend, anyone who is lucky enough to call me a friend is one lucky person. Time with me and her were good I knew her since she was born, my parents loved her and my mom always told me too watch out for her, when my mom didn't get to see Thea everyday she became upset at me, blaming me for abandoning her. Honestly, I don't even think I regretted the day I ditched her for my very first woman's conquest, that was the day I became a man. Thea, walked right pass me with a container heading for the exit of the kitchen, "Oh, Thea aren't you forgetting something?" I asked as she turned to face me with her deep green eyes, looking straight ahead avoiding my eyes. "Sorry, my Highness, but is there anything I can do for you?" I gave her my signature smirk I saved for my special ladies, but I only gave it to Thea, because she worked for me and I liked to aggravate her and make her job more difficult. "Well, yes there is, I don't want to be alone and I don't want to go to bed so I request you to keep me company and make sure I am well accommodated until I am ready to sleep." She walked closer to the counter that was separating us and laid down her container, "You must be surely kidding yourself and drunk off that liquor , to want me to keep you company."She smiled, I nodded my head " Your right, I couldn't bear to be in the same room with you if I was sober, but I have things I need done for me and you will do for the job." I saw a look in her eye's that I didn't recognize, but I didn't let it affect me to much.

Thea nodded at all the commands I gave her like the good servant she was. I had her reorganized my whole room, and then I decided I throw a party this weekend for all my old college buddies since my parents were leaving for business, she was going to busy with all the party planning. " Prince Harris, I know nothing of planning a party I don't think I can do all this in time." I could see her stressing, and it made me laugh, she looked up at me with anger, but when our eyes made contact she looked away.  " I hope you can get everything done to my likening then or your job could be in trouble." She looked at everything I requested, and nodded her head " And now I think it is time for you to be prepared for your normal duties for today, and start getting this party done. She looked at the clock on the wall and bowed before she left, she better do good at planning this party for Friday night.

I didn't even wake up to after two in the day, but I was sure happy I didn't have to deal with a hangover today. I got dressed in my normal attire, and went to go and start my day off by visiting my father in his office. He was always annoyed with me and the lack of responsibilities I took on as a future King. I knocked on his door and stepped inside to see my father doing his paperwork, he looked up and gave me a stern look " Harrold Alexander Richard, I was told you didn't even make the event to the orphanage to spend time with the kids?" Oh crap, I completely forgot, I looked down " I'm sorry father, I completely forgot about it, I will try and make it up to them." He stood up from his desk " No Harrold your not going to try and make it up, you will make it up." I nodded my head " I don't want to even look at you Harris, you were such a good kid with a kind heart, but now I don't even know what to do with you." I tried to say something to him, but he walked to the door out of his office " I don't want to see you until Sunday when i'm back from the trip to discuss your punishment." And with that I stood in my dad's office knowing that I had let him down.

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