The Lie

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Last night was horrible, I had to stay up all night to help his royal highness, then he gives me the task to plan a party in two days, he knows I am just a kitchen staff and nothing else. When Harris dismissed me with less than five minutes to be down to my morning shift, I had to get the cookies I made for Jane's class that's the whole reason why last night I was in the kitchen. I ran down from the royal chambers, and started making my run to the orphanage on the castle grounds. I was given a key since I moved into the staff quarters of the castle, so I could come and visit the children I helped raise when they were just babies. Everyone was asleep when I went into the kitchen so I wrote a note to put by the cookies so Jane could take them to her class today.

When I arrived in the kitchen my fellow coworkers were none the least happy to see me. Since I arrived late, I was sent to do all the dishes by hand and mop the dining quarters after everyone finished eating. After the entire kitchen staff went to go pick some vegetables from the garden, and the chefs to plan the evening dinners for the new week. The same continued with lunch and I finished making sure the dining room was clean and so was the kitchen. I was able to get the dinner shift off, so I could plan this stupid party for the Prince and get everything he wanted.

Over the past two days I spent stressing over this stupid party for Harris. The time arrived for the party I was making sure that the obstacle course was being built by the workers; I had the kitchen staff preparing the menu for the party attendees. I was checking my to do list making sure I had everything being set up, when I saw a shadow appear behind me. " So Thea I'm expecting this party to go off without a hitch am I right?" I nodded my head; of course I wanted this party to be a success, "Yes, your Highness, I think I have everything you wanted for this party." He just looked off into space, I must admit Harris was always good looking and falling for his good looks were hard for other women, I mean he always had the most beautiful blue eyes from the moment I could remember. But knowing Harris personally ruined all the good looks he had for me, all I saw was his rudeness and the day he abandoned me for Penny. "Well, I hope for your sake this works out." And with that he walked away.

The party had finally started for the Prince and I personally think it's been going well, I had to double my workload by helping in the kitchen and making sure the party has been going off as a success. It was around two in the morning and the party was still going on, from what I heard from the other staff here in the castle everyone was having fun. The kitchen staff had long gone home at this hour and I was making my way towards the kitchen to make sure everything in the kitchen had been clean before I decided to head to my bed. I walked into the dining room when I saw that Prince Harris was here, along with the King and Queen and they were arguing. I saw that Harris was the first to notice me "Get out!" He yelled at me with anger in his eyes, I was about to curtsy to the King and Queen, but before I had the chance the King yelled at his son "No, Harold you mistreat the staff and you want to be a ruler of a kingdom!" He yelled at his son, might I add these were some valuable points he was bringing up to Harris. I was backing out of the room to not draw attention to me when the queen mouthed the word for me to stay.

The King yelled at Harris and this was one of the times I have ever seen him quiet and he looked afraid of his father. "Dad, I'm trying to have fun at the moment, before I take on any other responsibilities." Harris said, the King just laughed at him "What responsibility? The ones you can't even keep up now!" He yelled at Harris and Harris looked down to the floor, right then Harris stood up and yelled, "What the hell do you want me to do, change and become like you two?" With that the room fell to silence, the Queen took a step forward and grabbed her husband's hand "Harris we want what's best for you, and don't you interrupt me at this moment." Right when Harris was about to say something, "Me and your father decided to have you begin a courtship with Lady Beth, she's a nice girl and her family comes from good royal blood." I could tell Harris was upset  "So what, I do one stupid thing and I'm expected to marry some stranger, when all my life I was told I get a choice for my marriage!" Harris yelled almost ready to leave the room. "Do not disrespect your mother, we both decided this, we have never seen you with the same girl or in a steady relationship and we think it will make you a better man, making you think of someone else before yourself, and Lady Beth is very kind." I saw the King and Queen exchange a glance between them when the Queen added "Of course if you have a girl in your life and wanted to court them, before we make the agreement with Lady Beth's family it would show us that you are mature, because you made an effort." The queen said, and I swear I saw Harris heading spinning with thoughts, and then he looked at me  "Well, matter of fact, I do have a girl that I've been seeing and she's present in this room with us." I looked behind me to look for the girl, when the Queen smiled at me and said " Thea is this true?" and of course the only thing I did was nod my head in agreement.

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