Planning Mad

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  I put my hand on Harris shoulder trying to comfort him, "You know, if you always need something I'm here for you, you know that right?" Harris turned and looked at me and I saw some sort of emotion that I couldn't decipher he just kept staring at me and this made me uncomfortable. "Well, I guess we don't have to keep the act up as of us being in a relationship." Harris turned and looked away "You're right." Then it was just silence between us, "Let's not go back to how our relationship was before this whole facade." I nodded my head an agreement, "I would like that very much."

 "I need your help though." It had been a few minutes of silence between the two of us. "I want your help when it comes to picking the girl, I don't want to just marry some pretty girl that is dumb or a bitch." I pushed a piece of my hair out of my view and looked at Harris from the corner of my vision, I thought he was messing with me, but he looked serious. "Why do you need my help? Before this whole situation you had no problem in choosing your women." It was true, he was never in a serious relationship with women, so I don't know why he would want my help I haven't even been in a serious relationship. "Those women I had fun with, but I couldn't stand them the next morning after that I sent them home barely knowing their name." I still have no clue how I would help, "But this is different I have to pick someone I like and would be a good Queen to the Kingdom, and of course be the mother of my children." Damn it, why do I always get suckered into helping him. "Fine, but how do you want me to help?"

  Again, I walked towards my room frustrated, I always get myself into stupid situations. I was not paying attention ahead of me when I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention!" I looked to I had bumped into and it was the stable boy from the one time I went with Harris to the pond, "I'm sorry your name was Jonah right?" He nodded his head "I'm shocked you remember my name." He blushed, and it made him look so cute, "And why wouldn't I?" I asked he looked towards the ground and put his hands in his pockets, "Well you know you're dating the Prince, I wouldn't think you would have time to talk to people below you." I was shocked never once would I consider the fellow staff of the castle below me, if anything I was in the same level of class. "Of course not, and even to prove your point, let's hang out sometime this Friday." He nodded his head, but of course he wouldn't let me see his face which was as red as a tomato. "I'll meet you after my shift is over around one of the stables." And with that I walked away leaving Jonah.

  I was in my room on my bed sketching some drawings when I heard a knock and went to answer my door. At the door was the Queen, when I was younger, I used to be so close to her, but when I and Harris stopped being close I sort of lost contact with the Queen. "Your Highness, come in." I allowed her to walk into my room, she went and sat in my desk chair. "I wanted to discuss your relationship with my son." Man, why am I always being put into such these awkward situations. I went and sat on my bed, "Yes, of course your Highness, what about?" The Queen looked at me and gave one of her signature smiles that she was known for. "I'm sure my son told you about his prospective marriage coming in the future, right my dear?" I nodded my head. "Yes, I'm aware of it and me and Harris have spoken about this issue." There was silence for a few seconds before the Queen walked towards me and placed a hand on my shoulder, "If you were of Sikkovia descent would you marry me son, not because of his title, but for him?" I didn't know how to answer the question, it was more of a what if question. I decided to answer truthfully "Of course I would."

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