All Shall Gather

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I was walking arm in arm with Harris to this dinner service with important people, and I was beyond nervous "Is it too late for me to change my mind and go back to my room?" I just wanted to hide I didn't feel confident with this outfit and makeup I was wearing, when Mae came over to help me get ready, she insisted that I wear one of her dresses and for her to do my makeup. I stopped walking making Harris look at me "Come on Thea you'll be fine, you don't even have to do any talking." I nodded my head and we continued to walk to the dining hall.

  When we walked into the dining hall Harris grabbed my hand and guided me to where we were to sit, everyone was standing waiting for the King and Queen to walk into the dining hall. After a few moments the King and Queen made their entrance, they both looked so regal and went to their respective seats. The King waited until the Queen had taken her seat, before he looked upon the council "You may all take your seats." I turned and look at Harris and he pulled my seat out for me, which I gave a smile to. He sat quietly down next to me in his chair as everyone took their seats also. "I'm thankful for everyone who could attend this dinner and that everyone had a safe journey." The Queen spoke, everyone nodded their heads, before the King spoke "So the Council of Sikkovia you requested an urgent meeting dealing with the leadership for your country."

"It is with the majority of votes to separate from your country, your Highness and continue to make Sikkovia its own country as intended." The king nodded his head, the first portion of dinner came out and some of the people in the room started eating, Harris grabbed my thigh and gave it a small squeeze which was his way of comforting me, " When I made an agreement with your King and Queen, it was to help the country rebuild and I have seen the progress you as a country have made."  The room was silent while the main dish of dinner came out to everyone. "But as you may know there is no one who can run the country, you have no plans for how your government will be run, do you?" The guests turned and looked at the old guy who was doing all the speaking for the Council "Well, we could either combine our country through an agreement of marriage through one of our citizens and Prince Harrold or you allow us to an elect a new leader through a vote based upon candidates the chosen."

  Dinner ended and nothing was decided on what should happen between the country of Sikkovia, everyone went off in different directions after the dinner ended. Me and Harris walked around the castle grounds when we were able to sneak away from everyone. Harris still held my hand "Do you want to go have some fun Thea?" he looked down at me as his eyes sparkled, I nodded my head and he led me to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of alcohol, and off we went wandering through the outside grounds and off into the darkness.

Harris led us to the tree where we supposedly had our first date, I sat down on the ground and I knew Mae would be upset with how dirty the dress was now that I sat on the grass. Harris sat down next to me and pulled a bottle of champagne from the bag and popped it open. He took a big swig from the bottle and passed it to me and than I took a swig of the champagne, "I thought you said I wasn't old enough to drink Harris?" I said while I took another swig from the bottle, just than Harris grabbed the bottle and took a drink from the bottle, "Well like you said your not a child and it's not like it's your first time drinking." I nodded my head "Even though I would of liked if I was there the first time you drank." Harris said, and that made me laugh "So you would like it if I got drunk the first time with you around?" He let me have the bottle of the champagne and pulled out a bottle of Tequlia that he had grabbed from the kitchen and took his swig, "I mean at least I could of watched out for you." After he said that we were silent as we continued to keep drinking.

Our silence was not awkward and I think I had an idea of what he was thinking about. "Are you scared of what the council said about a marriage?" I turned to look at Harris and he nodded his head "I mean my parents already forced me into a fake relationship with you no offense." He was just staring off towards the landscape and I could tell he was thinking  "Even after we're done with this fake contract there going to force me to get married." I grabbed his hand "Don't think like that your parents love you and maybe they regret the decision of trying to force you into marriage, maybe they can see that a relationship won't help you mature, but maybe giving you freedom is the best way." Harris turned and looked at me and he had a smile on his face, it wasn't the normal smirk he gave me, but it was a real smile I hadn't seen since I was younger and we were friends. "You know Thea you're a good friend." But for some reason this made me feel rejected, but I smiled and looked at the night sky.

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