Mates and Dates

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  It had been a few days since it was announced I would take a bride and unite the Kingdoms. Me and my father had been busy settling the terms of the agreement. The door was opened and in walked my mother, since her outburst at dinner that night she hadn't wanted to talk to me or my father, for some reason she was upset at us. My father looked up from the papers he was skimming and look at my mother. "Dear, come and sit down with us." Over the years my parents never fought in front of me or that I knew of, but it was evident now that there was some unsettled issue. "Don't dear me, how could you make some sort of agreement like this for our son without my consent?" My father rubbed his temples with a frustrated sigh, "We were going to force him into a courtship, not even a month ago." With that my mother stood up "That was different that was before he met someone and changed his ways for her." That's what it was about me and Thea being together.

  "Mom, it's fine, me and Thea's relationship was fizzling out anyway." She gasped, when did she become so invested in my relationships, I mean I always knew she loved Thea like a daughter, but she was taking it too far to think me and Thea were actually a real couple and we would ever get married. Everything was fake between us. "Mom, even if this hadn't happen me and Thea would of never lasted together, we're too different." My mom was not having it, she did not look happy at all with my answers, "So if Thea was of Sikkovia descent, would you marry her?" I didn't know how to answer that question, my father decided to butt in "Dear, don't pressure the boy with these kind of answers." But I knew the answer to the question, "Of course not, me and Thea mutually decided to end things, I just wasn't attracted to her anymore and her age played an factor into this decision." This made my mother more upset with me and she got up from her seat and left the office without a word.

  Tonight was the night it had been a few days since me and Thea had broken up and the council had chosen some girls from a worthy family for me to meet and consider as my bride, but I did feel guilty and I didn't really know why. My mother has hardly spoken to me, my dad said that my mother didn't understand my decision and felt hurt she wasn't included in deciding for the kingdom. But one thing I didn't understand was Thea, I saw her occasionally while she was doing her work, but she either went out of her way to ignore me. I thought we had decided to end on good terms, but every time I've seen her she avoids me. It was time to see some of the women who were offered to be my bride, and no one stood out to me, they were all just normal society women who came for the status of the man or the wealth it could bring them. Right now I was walking with a girl name Beth, trying to get to know her, but she didn't garner my interest. She spoke too much nonsense to me, and I couldn't bother her to learn more from her. 

  Me and Beth ended up by the gardens and I continued to listen to her boorish talk about her dreams. We had ended up sitting by the fountain in the garden when I heard a voice nearby. As the voice became closer I was able to make out who it was; Thea and the stable boy who I recognize were walking towards us laughing and enjoying themselves. They were oblivious to me and Beth, they were busy laughing and exchanging stories, on one hand Beth seemed upset by the intrusion, "Excuse us can you not see that we are occupying this space, and if you do not know we can have you punished for this." Thea came to a halt and looked at me, but then turned her head to avoid making eye contact with me "We're so sorry your Highness, we will be out of your way." With that Thea turned around, but the stable boy placed his arm around her so they could walk away. Something didn't feel right seeing Thea so happy and carefree with the stable boy stirred something within me. Beth tapped my shoulder and started to lean towards me in what seemed like a kiss, but I turned away.

  After the date with Beth, I called an end to seeing the other women chosen for me for another day. I felt unwell and unsure of the night. Seeing Thea with the stable-boy made me upset, maybe it was because I consider her as family and someone I had to look out for, but I knew I had to find Thea later and have her meet her by the tree where we always met at nighttime to talk about our relationship.

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