Ch. XIX.

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Once I left her house, i got in my car speeding off to the hospital. The call I got said my momma had a heart attack. Right now the only thing I could do was pray everything would be good. I already lost one of my parents, and I sure as hell anit tryna lose another. After I got my car parked I ran inside, quickly asking the lady at the front desk for my moms room.

"You can't go inside right now sir." she said looking at me.

"Da hell you mean! Thats ma moms, she the only family I got left!" by now i done lost it. I anit mean to yell and all but what you want a niqqa to do.

"Please sir, we will let you know when you can see her." She said now standing. I let out a long sigh, and walking to go sit in one of the chairs. I let my head fall in my hands, my mind was blank. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion, not processing in my head. I spent about 30 minutes like that, same position, still nothing in my head. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked up to see a doctor looking at me with sad eyes. Worry washed over me.

"Im so sorry sir." He said without looking me in the eyes. Everything froze, my heart beating so fast like it could burst any second. My vesion got blurry with tears threatening to fall. But that worry and sadness I had in me was soon replaced with pure anger. This punk niqqa thought it would be funny to lie to me like that. His big head little body ass gon wish he never did that shit. I was ragging my face probably red. Next thing you know im punching him rapidly in the face, until security had to pull me off him and escort me out.

They talkin bout I cant go back in there for a week. Like the fuck niqqa this anit no damn middle school. My chest heaving up and down from anger. I was fed up, nothing could mount the anger I was feeling. That so called doctor lying is beyond messed up but what got me going insane is that I cant see my moms. .... I got in my car driving to one of the many places I could get my mind off of anything. It was a little park I used to go to with my brother. I haven't been there since he passed. There was a trail you could drive up on, so I followed it and was lead right in front of the park. I took a deep breathe before opening my door and stepping out. The park hadn't changed a bit. Same ol trees growing from the ground, same little slides. Only difference, it was empty, not a single person in sight. Taking a seat on one of the benches. The cool breeze hitting the side of my face. I plugged in my phone and put my phone on shuffle, blasting the music blocking out any sound. I closed my eyes, just letting the air hit me.


Ronda Pov: ( i dont know if I put Davon mom name soo just go with it)

The sound of beeping filled my ears. I already knew where I was. I've been in the hospital to many times for my liking. Its not my fault though, im sick and old. Everyday I'm getting weaker, the only thing I could do is fight and pray. There was a knock on the door, before I could respond they opened the door. A doctor walked in smiling.

"Ah your awake my dear." He said walking by my bed. I nodded my head, giving a small smile.

"How are you feeling? Any pains?"

"I have a slight headache, and my side hurts." I said placing my hand where the pain was coming from.

"Oh alright, well the pain in your side is from when you fell, you had a mild heart attack nothing to major, but I'll get you some pain killers to ease the pain, then we need to run some test." He said writing some stuff on a clipboard.

"Anything else before I go?"

I shook my head laying back against the pillow.

"Wait doc. .. did anyone come to visit?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes, your son I believe but he got escorted out due to some misunderstanding." he said walking out the room.

I sat there thinking what that boy of mine could of done to have gotten escorted out. Oh that boy of mine is something else. Soon after I found my self drifting off in a peaceful sleep.



Long time no update. I know I'm sorry. School is to much, and I have writers block. Thats why this chappie is so short. I will try to update sooner. But yall need to get them goals in for faster updates. Anyways hope yall enjoying this book so far.

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