Ch .XXI.

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Unique Pov:

"YOU CANT CONTROL ME! LEAVE ME ALONE! PLEASE! Please!" my voice cracked at the end, sobs racking out of me.

"Oh stop crying you baby!" His loud voiced yelled.

"What did I ever do to get this treatment from you?" My voice was shaky.

"YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" He shouted then started laughing cruelly, walking towards me. I moved my body back, eventually it made contact with the cold wall. I was trapped, there was no way out.

"Do you actually think ANYONE LOVES YOU! Huh ? Oh course they don't! Your just a worthless B"tch! " His words hit me like knives. Its like everything in me faded away and all that was left was his words replaying in my head like a broken record.

Tears trickled down my cheeks, falling on to my palms.

He grabbed my arm yanking me up, a loud scream of pain escaped my lips. His face fading away into the darkness, before completely going away.


"Unique.... Uniquuueee! Baby wake up!" I jolted up looking at him with wide eyes.

"Bae are you ok?" He asked his voice full of concern.

"He's going to get me. He's going to get me.He's going to get me. He's going to get me."

"Who baby? who's going to get you, you talking crazy na' Davon said placing a hand on my thigh rubbing small circles.

"Do you wanna talk about the bad dream?" He asked pulling me into him.

'I guess now would be a good time to tell him' I thought in my head. Shifting my body so I was facing him, I cleared my throat.

"Him .. is .... my dad." I looked up, and he urged me to countinue. " when I was younger around the age of 14, 15 he.. he..uh he rapped me. A-and he's been doing it.. ever since I met you." By now I was crying, my face was hot, my eyes starting to burn.

"He would abuse me. With his fr-ends. His friends would even r..rape me." I was full on sobbing into Davon's shirt. My body shaking with every sob.

"A-and-" Davon cut me off.

"You dont have to, stop talking its ok. He will never hurt you ever again. I grantee that. I want you to stay here, my mom is downstairs. Watch her please and don't leave. I need to handle some business." He said getting up pulling a black hoodie and black jeans on. He made his way out not before pressing his soft lips to mine.

"Davon don't do anything stupid please." You could here the desprateness dripping from my voice.

"Baby trust I anit gon do nun ill be back in about 4 hours the most. Don't worry bout me i'm just gonna meet my boys right quick." he said clossing the door, leaving me in my thoughts.


Davon Pov:

As I walked downstairs, I seen my moms was sleep on the couch. I walk towards her slowly, pulling a cover over her. Then pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Before leaving I sent a quick message out to the boys, tellin em to meet at the trap.



As I waited for my boys to show, I sat in my office, leaning back in the rolling chair a blunt in my month. Smoke lingered in the air, making the room look dim. The feeling of my eyes getting heavier, made me aleart of the high coming over me. The door creaked, making me look up. My gaze landed on Dyonte. He gave me an in easy look, before walking over hesitantly.

"What up big man?" His voice echoed in the room. I kept silent, wanting to wait for everyone else. Not soon after Terrel, and the rest of the squad walked in.

"What's are task today?" Romeo asked leaning against a wall.

"I got a little problem I need to be taken care of. You see my girl got some bad vibes."

"Niqqa I ain't killin' ma sis bruh." Dyonte said.

I stared at his ahh like he was crazy.

"Niqqa f'ck wrong with you! I talking bout her dead beat dad!" My voice raised in anger. Anger I ain't know I was holding on to tell now.

After I had explained to them what he did to her, everyone felt the same way as me.

"Ay' I got a plan up my sleeve." Joel said stepping in the middle of the room. Everyone huddled up eager to here what the shy boy had to say.


Ronda Pov:

"Davon .. baby?" I heard light foot steps coming down. That's weird, I sat up turning so I was facing the stairs. Unique appeared moments later. A smile instantly made its way to my face. This girl gon be my daughter in law. But I was confused of to why Davon wasn't the one that came down.

"Hey Momma is there anything you needed?" She asked her sounding a little uneasy.

"Yeah, actually can you grab my purse. I need to take my medicine." She nodded walking away to retrieve my bag. I would have to ask her what's wrong. But for now I would just like to enjoy this little moment we have. I would find my way to ask her later in the day. Looking down at my watch, I seen it was almost noon. Ah time flys.

"Here you are." Unique's soft voice said from the side.

"Thank you my dear." I gave a soft smile her way, before proceeding to take the pills the doctor had given me. Just as Unique sat on the seat besides me, her phone went off. Playing that Ghetto rap shit them youngins' listen to now a days. She excused her self before walking into an other room.



Joel came up with a marvelous plan to get Unique's dead beat 'father' eliminated for good. Making sure he wouldn't hurt anyone ever again. They already had all his information, from Date of Birth to Where he grew up as a child. Davon wasn't playing any games. Once you mess with his loved one's, the games begin. He will find every way possible to torture the ones, who made his loved ones feel pain. He and his men were determined to make him suffer.

Ronda thought of how sweet and kind hearted Unique was. How she is such a young, beautiful, intelligent women for her age. Ronda wondered about Unique's parents. How they raised her to be the women she was today. Only thing is Unique didn't have parents to raise her. She raised herself. Her sister's made her the fighter she is to day. And for that she is forever thankful.


You guys, I missed yall! It's been a long time. I shouldn't of left you. Anyways I'm back school is hell and back. The teachers expect us to do shits load of work in a day then have it ready the next. I think I'm going to end this book around Ch 30 the most chappies I will have is 35. You guys are the best. thanks for the reads and votes. I will try to update sooner In the future. well bye for now love yall!

Random song. Hold You Down - DJ Khaled!

~__BGR__ 💕👋

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