Chapter 5

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I didn't wake up to the sound of an alarm, I woke up on my own. It took me a minute to realize how that was wrong and I rolled over, looking at the time on the clock that blinked 10:18.

"Shit!" I cursed out loud, shooting straight up and ignoring the sound of shredding clothes as I ran out of the door, shifting mid stride and starting to sprint towards the field we were at yesterday.

About time you woke up, Laela. Jared said, teasingly.

Shut up, I'm running fast enough that even Leah could be challenged. I replied.

Yeah, right. She suddenly spoke up. We'll put that to the test on the way back.

You're on. I said, unable to back down from the challenge. Not even a full minute passed before I was back to my pack in the clearing, sitting down next to Seth and watching as Rosalie and Alice danced around their battlefield.

Today was different, I didn't need Jasper to help calm me down. I was still nervous around the rest of the Cullens, only really trusting Jasper, but I knew I had a pack beside me if something did happen. Eventually Alice pinned Rosalie, who looked a fair mixture of irritated and entertained at the same time. Jasper was the next to step out into the clearing,

"Yesterday we focused on the don't aspect of this. Honestly there's not a set list of right things you can do, just wrong things. We'll automatically have a greater advantage with you wolves on our side." he said, his gaze landing on me for a couple seconds but it was more than enough to make my heart race, which I'm assuming he was easily able to pick up by the small smile that came across his face, "They don't know of your existence and they'll immediately be cut off guard giving us more than enough edge to win this thing." He continued explaining different techniques that we could use in fighting, most of them not really applying to us who would be in the form of wolves. "No better way than to show you, though." He said, then called Edward forward, both beginning to fight again.

Jasper stayed in control most of the time, but Edward still had an advantage being able to read his mind and at one point sent Jasper flying back. I immediately was on my feet and having to restrain myself from interfering in the fight, Jacob and Paul reminding me that he wasn't seriously hurt. Edward pinned Jasper down for a split second, laughing at what I'm assuming was my reaction to it all, but it was long enough for Jasper to take advantage of him being distracted, grab his leg, and pin him down. He stood up, looking down at Edward, "One more thing," he said, walking off while still facing him, "Never turn your back on your enemy."

It was pretty much a repeat of yesterday, everyone fought everybody else and Jasper pointed out where their weak spots were and helped them fix them. It went by quicker than yesterday though since I was actually able to watch the whole time, none of us even realizing the sun setting behind us until Carlisle once again thanked us for our willingness to train with them.

We all stood back up to walk off again, the nerves of actually having to talk to Jasper about all of this making me rethink it all. Just as I was about to step over the fallen tree to go down the hill, Jasper called out for me,

"Laela, do you think we could talk for a minute?" He asked, moving closer to where I was. I looked over to Sam, asking if I could stay. He gave a small nod to me and I turned back towards Jasper, walking back down the hill to him. I sat down in front of him, waiting on him to speak first. I didn't exactly have clothes since I shredded mine in the rush out of the door this morning.

"Jasper, I don't think you want the first conversation between the two of you to be with her nude." Edward spoke up, chuckling and guiding Bella back to the car they came in.

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