Chapter 21

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I'm so sorry this is late and I deleted it earlier. I have exams this week and next week and I'm studying for them because, for the first time in in 6 years, I actually have all A's in my classes and I'm trying to mantain that.

It was all at once that it stopped and I could finally breath again, taking in multiple breaths before I could see straight.

I realized I had been moved to the room Carlisle had set up as a make-shift hospital for Bella and Carlisle, Jasper, and Edward were all standing over me.

"She broke away from the pack." Edward's statement was the first I heard and a wave of panic washed over me before another wave of serenity washed over me, no doubt the work of the blond vampire sitting next to me.

"I did what?" I asked.

"Your thoughts were running around in circles, part of you screaming fight it, your wolf wanting to change, and a third part of trying to break away." Edward said.

"How can that happen?" Jasper asked.

"It usually doesn't, especially not when fighting against an alpha's orders. Both of them are extremely rare things." I said, still panting heavily as if I had run a marathon.

"I want to examine you still." Carlisle said, and I looked up at him, confusion written on my face. "We could all hear your heart racing and your blood flowing the fastest I've ever heard, you were shaking like you were having a seizure, and your entire face was purple at one point with how hard your fighting." He explained.

"Okay." I said, the pain in the back of my head still radiating around.

"Make sure she doesn't have a concussion, either." Edward suggested.

"She's still in a lot of pain." Jasper said next.

"I can tell him this." I told both of them. "I know how to talk."

"She didn't hit her head, so she wouldn't have a concussion, but I'll be sure she didn't harm anything else." Carlisle reassured and they left the room.

"It's going to be weird to be alone in my thoughts if I ever get to phase again." I told him, following the light that was being shinned in my eyes as he examined me.

"I know how much it goes against your nature, but I'd be concerned if you did phase right after this, especially once they realize you've left the pack." He said.

"I wouldn't phase right now anyway, there's no way I want to face the pain of phasing after this, or even leave Bella's side for too long. I'm a little busy being a heater." I told him, chuckling a little bit.

"That's a little relieving. I don't want to find out what could happen to you if you did phase." He said, continuing on with his evaluation. "I can't thank you enough for what you've done for our family. You're standing against the pack to help us and we know that isn't a light thing."

"Don't thank me. Bella's choice is what I'm defending. Rose and I didn't have choices, so we're making sure Bella gets to stand by hers." I said, simply. Carlisle nodded, knowing that neither of us would truly see eye-to-eye on the situation but knowing better than to get into another argument over something that wouldn't be changing any time soon.

"You seem fine, but I still wouldn't put yourself under too much stress. We don't want to push our limits. I don't like how much extra stress your body seems to be under from healing and now this." He told me.

"Any way I'm getting anything for the pain?" I asked.

"I don't want to put you on painkillers when it's most likely just from stress. We have ibuprofen that I can let you take so we won't have to put you on painkillers again."

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