Chapter 7

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The next 36 hours passed by painstakingly slow for the pack, but especially Seth and I. We were both sitting out the fight in order to help Edward protect Bell in case someone found them during the fight, and while we were both happy to help, it was bothering the both of us that we wouldn't be with the rest of our pack and bothering me that I wouldn't be there to protect Jasper.

Seth and I had just been walking around the camp, wearing a path into the still falling snow as we went around in circles, neither of us picking up any sign of vampires that didn't belong. Both of us could hear the exchange between Edward, Bella, and Jacob, then between Jacob and Bella, and, finally, hear his thoughts as he practically screamed that he had finally kissed Bella. It wasn't even a full two minutes after Jacob was hidden away before Seth and I were beside Bella and Edward.

"The newborns just got there." He updated Bella, Seth and I watching through the eyes of our family as we saw the clearing come into view, "The wolves just made their appearance." He said to her. I flicked back and forth between everyone in the fight's mind, trying to see where Jasper was. Eventually I was able to spot him and Alice, flawlessly working as a team and taking down newborn after newborn, and I felt a sight bit of relief. Seth started paying more attention to the fight while I went back to patrolling. At the same time, I picked up two new scents, Edward's voice broke over the silence of Seth giving instant replays.

"She's close. I can hear her thoughts. Seth, go." Edward said.

I could hear as Bell, Seth, and I's heartbeats all picked up just a little bit. As soon as I saw Seth again, we both backed away further into the woods, staying close enough that we could hear them, but they couldn't see us.

"She knew we weren't there, but she caught my scent. She knew you'd be with me." Edward explained to Bella.

"She found us." Bella said, fearfully.

"She's not alone." Edward said. I couldn't see what was happening but suddenly Edward continued speaking, "Riley, listen to me. Victoria's just using you to distract me, she knows I'll kill you." Bella's heartbeat picked up even more, but Edward continued on, "In fact she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore."

"Don't listen to them, Riley. I told you about their mind tricks." An unfamiliar female voice said afterwards, sounding unsteady as though it weren't true.

"I can read her mind, so I know what she thinks of you." Edward said.

"He's lying." The female replied,

"She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. That's the only thing she cares about, not you."

"There's only you, you know that."

"Think about it, you're from Forks, you know the area. that's the only reason she chose you, she doesn't love you."

"Riley, don't let him do this to us. You know I love you."

"You're dead." The male voice who I assumed as Riley said. Without warning, Seth lunged out before Riley could make a move and tackled him to the ground, only being able to rip off his hand. I went to go help Seth, but he stopped me,

Pay attention to Victoria. Edward might need help. He argued before I could move over there. I quietly made my way over to where Victoria had run to, Edward speaking up again and stopping her.

"You won't get another chance like this again. You want her! You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James. When I tore him to pieces. When I turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing." The woman let oud a screaming snarl and tackled Edward.

I jumped in front of Bella in that moment, making sure she wasn't left defenseless. I was crouched in front of her, my lips pulled over my teeth in a snarl, and my fur sticking straight up. We both watched as she tried lunging for us, but Edward shoved her back, her gripping onto a tree to keep from falling. She climbed it and Edward moved Bella, me following behind, to a different spot before he pulled the tree down. She lunged for Bella again, Edward managing to tackle her this time. Riley suddenly came back over the hill.

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