Chapter 23

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We hit 5K reads!! HOLY SHIT! Thank you all so much, you have no idea how much this means and how much I'm crying right now! FIVE THOUSAND READS IN  LESS THAN THREE AND A HALF MONTHS!

For this chapter, I'm trying something a little different by giving you some of it in Jasper's POV. I don't know when/if this will happen again, but it was definitely interesting for me to attempt.

She collapsed into my arms the second the sentence left her mouth and terror flooded through me as I carried her inside. I could hear her muttering my name as she fought to stay awake and I couldn't help but wonder if we were going to have two dead girls laying in Carlisle's office.

"Laela, please stay with me, keep your eyes open." I said.

"Jasper, sit her against the wall and hold her up straight. Seth, go downstairs and see if you can find anything with a lot of sugar in it." Carlisle said. I looked behind me, not even realizing the rest of her pack had followed in, not that it surprised me.

"I found some butterscotch that Rose said you had from when Bella got that random craving when she first got back." Seth said, handing two of them to Carlisle. Carlisle unwrapped one of them and placed it on her tongue.

"She isn't completely unconscious; her blood sugar has just dropped from the stress tonight. I've never seen any of the wolves run as fast as she was on the way back." Carlisle explained. Seconds later and I felt Laela's hand just barely squeeze mine, but it was enough to know she was agreeing.

"What about the bloody nose?" I said, re-wiping it for the fourth time on the sleeve of my shirt.

"Probably happened during the fight, she met Quil pretty roughly when she took him down." Carlisle said, "Look, she's already starting to come to a little bit more." I turned back to face her and saw the color slowly returning to her copper-colored skin and her holding her head up a little more steadily.

I didn't move my eyes from her face, another rush of relief coming over me when her deep brown eyes finally met mine. Her pupils were wide, but I could slowly see her pupils shrinking back down to their normal size and her skin was back to its normal color.

"Jazz." She mumbled out, pulling on my arm and confusing me until I realized she was trying to stand on her own.

"Oh no you don't, stay sitting until Carlisle says you can stand back up." I told her, pushing her back to the ground.

"Once your sugars are back to normal, Laela, I want to run some tests to make sure there's nothing else wrong. If everything is fine, we can just say this was a freak accident and you can go back to phasing as normal." Carlisle told her. I heard her mumble out an okay and I gave her the other butterscotch as Carlisle set up a bag of fluids for her, pushing the needle into her hand in a smooth motion. "Jasper, let's move her to your room and get you away from all of this blood."

Truth be told, I still hadn't felt the burn that usually ached in my throat around Bella. Her blood was on multiple surfaces in the room and I didn't notice any of it, all of my concern and attention on Laela. Even when she wasn't in danger, her being around made the thirst easier to ignore. I listened to Carlisle either way, not wanting to push my luck. I picked her up while Carlisle carried the bag of fluids up to my room, and I gently placed her on the bed while the fluids were set up beside her.

"She'll be okay?" I asked.

"She should be, I'll know more once I can run some tests." He replied.

"How do you even know what you're looking for?"

"I'll have to ask Leah if she'd be willing to let me draw some blood so I can compare." He answered and I nodded, not replying as Laela started to sit up on her own.

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