Chapter 2

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Four months had passed since the day Sam had welcomed me into his pack. I was able to finish schooling, even if it was a couple months late, but better late than never. I knew my way around La Push, and we all eventually learned a new routine for guarding the reservation and settled nicely. Sam and Emily made sure I had clothes on my back until I could afford to buy clothes of my own, and I began helping Emily more around the house - since they wouldn't accept any monetary form of gratitude for what they had done for me. 

Today I was running the morning and afternoon guard through the forest. I had covered for Jacob this afternoon so he could attend Bella's graduation party with Quil and Embry. Leah nor I were too keen on her, both of us not caring for the way Jake seemed to always be the one hurting over her, and me not trusting the vampires she hung around with; despite not agreeing with where he was going, I didn't mind covering for him and getting extra time back out in the forest I had spent so long running in.

"You know they're not the bad ones, right?" Seth asked me after our run.

I looked over at him and shrugged, "I know their eye color says they aren't, but it's hard to trust the things that killed your family, whether they're the actual ones or not." I told him, not really wanting to get on the topic. Seth nodded,

"I'm not trying to force you to like them, I just don't want you to be uncomfortable or scared around them." He tried explaining.

"I know, but it probably won't happen for a long time after meeting them, if ever." I said, both of us stopping to stare out at the ocean before we had to turn back to the main part of the reservation.

I tilted my head back, letting the breeze coming off the ocean push my hair back off shoulders. "I understand. I'd probably be the same way if roles were reversed." I looked over and up at him, nodding as acknowledgement for his understanding. Despite being three years younger than me, he was still taller than me, and none of the pick let me forget it.

Neither of us got a chance to start a new conversation before we heard a long howl start traveling through the air. We both looked at each other, before turning back to the forest, stripping down once again, and shifting into wolves.

What do you mean an army is coming? The first thought we were greeted with as we shifted, both of us looking at each other once again before taking off to meet the rest of the pack. A swarm of angry, confused, and scared thoughts were shouted out before we finally made it to clearing that looked like an old construction site that was long abandoned. Jacob's sandy colored wolf stepped up next to Paul to explain.

They're coming after Bella. Alice had a vision of a whole damn army of newborn vampires passing around one of Bella's shirts and coming here. He explained.

We've already accepted their offer to help fight. That many vampires in one small town calls for us to help protect the people. Quil thought out, Paul staying silent while they explained. A sudden flash of the two red eyed vampires who had killed my own family flashed through my mind and Leah was next to me in a moment, gently rubbing her head against my neck as a sign of comfort which I appreciated. Paul's voice finally broke through the voice of thoughts still swirling around. 

It's our duty to fight and protect the people, so that's what we'll do. We'll join alliances with the Cullens to help stop this bloodbath before it truly begins.

They said they would start training tomorrow. Apparently, they're different from the rest of the vampires we've dealt with. Embry said. He didn't explain how but apparently even we'll need training.

Good. We all need to brush up on our fighting skills especially if this is an army. Paul agreed.

Everyone get home, we all need to actually sleep tonight before we go out tomorrow. Meet at 9 tomorrow by the edge of the forest, don't worry about human forms. I think we'll all feel better like this. Sam said, finishing the conversation and walking off, me following behind him to head home. I phased back as soon as I could, wanting to think without the rest of them hearing. Once I was dressed, I walked from behind the tree I had chosen to change behind, and found a shirtless Sam waiting on me.

"Will you be okay tomorrow?" He asked me.

I honestly didn't know how to answer.

"I don't know, I haven't been around any since." I told him.

"You don't have to come if you don't think you can, none of us will blame you for not wanting your first encounter since then to be a fight." He said as we reached the end of the forest. The sentence was comforting but the same urge I had telling me to come to Forks told me that I needed to at least try going to the training. After a few moments I shook my head in defiance,

"No. We're wolves and this is what the magic in our blood is for. Defending the helpless and killing vampires is what we do." I said, remembering the stories my father had told me the first night I shifted. I was going to make him proud one way or another. Sam looked like he had a new respect for me as a half-smile came across his often-stern face, 

"I'm glad to hear you say that, but the offer will still stand for as long as you need it. Your mental health is more important, and we'll be able to handle it even if you're not there to help." He told me. I pushed the door open to his and Emily's house, actually, all of our house and nodded. 

"Thank you." I told him, heading upstairs to shower and try and sleep before the next day, and leaving him to explain everything to Emily.

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