Chapter 31

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As soon as we were home, I got dressed, and entered the Cullens' house.

"Never thought you'd miss the smell, did you?" Leah asked from beside me.

"Never. It still feels like bleach being poured down my throat, but I'd take it any day compared to that." I said, both of us making our way back to the main living area.

"Before we go back in there, I want you to know I missed you. Hell, we all have. You scared the shit out of us." Leah scolded.

"I know, and I'm sorry, but it had to be done to protect all of us." I told her.

"I know it did. I just missed my sister." She said, pulling me into a hug, which I gladly returned.

We both stepped inside the main living area. Most of the pack and almost all of the witnesses for our family had headed home, but I was surprised to see how many of the pack had stayed.

Ivette and Alice clung to each other, and I was more than glad to see that it looked like the two had found someone in each other.

Leah, Paul, Sam, Quil, Jared, and Jacob were lined against the wall as most of the vampires left. The woman standing beside Sam was the one that caused my heart to break, and I made my way through the crowded room to get to her.

"I missed you so much." I said immediately, her arms wrapping around me in the same instant mine did her.

"If you ever leave us like that again, I swear I'm hunting you down and killing you myself!" Emily said.


Neither of us moved for a long moment and it wasn't until I felt Jasper's touch on my back that I backed away from her.

"Have you told them?" He asked, and I shook my head. "Let's."

We walked back to the center of the room, me reaching in Jasper's pocket and slyly slipping the ring onto my left finger. Jasper cleared his throat, immediately Edward began smiling.

"In light of the good news this afternoon brought us, I have something to announce. No one in this room has had an easy life, but everyone in this room has changed something about their life to help bring Laela and I some amount of easiness in our journey together. We felt everyone should know, we're engaged." Jasper announced.

We purposefully left out the part about being married, none of us wanting more than who already knew to know. It wasn't done in the way either of us wanted to be done in, and we knew that this way would bring more joy than telling everyone we were technically already married.

Esme was the first to wrap me into a hug, congratulating the both of us.

We were then passed around the room, everyone, even Paul and Leah, congratulating us.

It was hours later that everyone that wasn't a Cullen had left, Ivette being the only one to stay behind. The atmosphere had finally calmed down and Bella, Ness, and Edward had gone home for the night.

"Carlisle?" I called, though I knew I didn't need to.

"Come in." He answered, and I stepped into his office. "How can I help you, Laela?"

"Any way I'm getting a check-up? We had Alice watching the entire time and she said she never saw any danger, but it's not the same as doctor's opinion." I said.

"Of course." He said, smiling.

After everything was set up, we watched as the same blurry photos came across screen, though I took immediate comfort in hearing two heartbeats still beating as strong as they had been before I left.

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