Chapter 14

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*Supermassive Black Hole starts playing in the background*

I followed Esme and Rosalie out the door and took off running after them. They were ahead of me by quite a bit, but I knew I was close to them by how strong their scent still was when I followed them. My best guess was that if they were going 100 MPH, I was going about 75, meaning Leah probably would've kicked my ass and been going 85.

"Impressive." Carlisle said once I stepped onto the field. "I thought for sure it would've taken you longer than just an extra two minutes. With training, you might even be as fast as the rest of us." I stood next to Rosalie on the edge of the field when I heard the jeep pulling up.

"I doubt that, Carlisle. She'd have to be able to outrun me." Edward said as he helped Bella out, pulling her next to him. You couldn't miss the giant ring on her finger and I assumed that meant she had finally told Charlie about her and Edward getting married. I was happy for the both of them but I knew that hell was about to come from Jacob.

"You've yet to race the wolf, Edwardo." I said, "Just remember that."

"Am I umpire again?" Bella asked and Edward nodded.

"It's going to be interesting seeing if Laela can keep up. We'll definitely need you." He told her, walking her over to beside Esme, who was crouched down as Carlisle practiced pitching now. A shift in the wind blew Jasper's scent towards me as he stepped back onto the field,

"No one is anywhere near us." He said to Carlisle before his eyes landed on me. Rosalie chuckled at the starstruck look on his face,

"You're welcome." She whispered, walking off and over to Emmett. When I saw him, I started doubting if Alice really saw Jasper tearing his jeans or if she was just being extra nice to me. I bit my lip as I took in his entire figure in the form-fitting pants.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, darlin'." Jasper said, now standing in front of me.

"Can't say you're looking too bad yourself, baby." I said, my arms around his hips as his rested on my waist.

"Can the both of you try controlling your thoughts? I'm tuning them out as much as I can but I can only do so much." Edward said, annoyance in his tone.

"No, thanks. I'm having fun with my thoughts," I said, standing on my tip toes and giving Jasper a short kiss, going to step away before he pulled me back to him and kissed me again.

"You look way too good to actually be playing." He said, pulling away.

"I'll still look good once I'm done and our teams has whooped your team's ass." I stated confidently.

"Alright, Little Wolf. If I win you can't complain about how expensive the date is or Alice taking you shopping."

"And if I win?"

"It's up to you."

"I'll get back to you on my decision." I said, walking off towards the home plate.

Carlisle and Esme divided up teams, knowing they would be the most well balanced and wouldn't take advantage of having an extra player on whichever team I landed on. Carlisle's team consisted of Rosalie, Edward, Alice, and me while Esme's consisted of her, Emmett, and Jasper leaving Bella as the referee. Our team was up first to bat, Rosalie stepping up to the plate and Jasper on the pitcher's mound.

"Don't get too nervous with your girl behind me." Rosalie teased, causing Jasper to chuckle,

"Oh, please, I've got motivation now." He said. His pitch was beautiful, but not enough to cause Rose to take a strike. The ball crashed against the bat and went flying through the air, going right past Emmett. By some miracle, the ball hit the ground before Emmett caught it and sent it flying back, leaving Rosalie safe on second. I stepped up to home plate next,

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