Chapter 15

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I cannot say thank you enough for 1K reads in one month! That's absolutely insane for my first ever fic and I am beyond thankful for everyone reading, voting, and adding this story to their readings lists. This chapter is a filler chapter, but the next chapter will be uploaded before Wednesday and it will focus more on Jasper and Laela.


Sleep didn't last long enough, and I woke up to Alice jumping next to me on the bed, causing me to jolt awake. I looked over at her and sent a glare before throwing my head back down on the pillows and pulling the blankets over my face. The sheets were pulled off of me and I let out a growl,

"Don't you know not to wake a sleeping wolf? We're very temperamental in case you didn't know." I said, sitting up and wincing as I ran my hands through my hair and felt all of the knots.

"You won't do anything. Now get up and shower, Esme is making you breakfast, and I know you don't want to hurt her feelings." Alice said, bouncing out of the room.

You better be glad you're cute and I'd feel bad for laying a finger on you. I thought, groaning extra loud as I stood up, just to humor them. I grabbed the clothes I would need for the day and my toiletries bag and made my way to the bathroom they had shown me, finding two large towels already on the counter. I, by some miracle, got the shower working and on a temperature I liked, at first nearly freezing myself when I turned the nozzle the wrong way. I quickly showered even though the water pressure was inviting and I could feel any tense feelings I had quickly melt away.

I stepped out and dried off, combing through my hair and braiding it back to keep it out of my face for the day. I put on my clothes; just a simple pair of leggings, some ankle boots, and a t-shirt. I was greeted downstairs by the smell of chocolate and I saw Esme flipping pancakes.

"You, are a godsend." I told her, walking over to her right as she added more chocolate chips to the pancakes on the griddle. She chuckled,

"You and Bella give us an excuse to use the kitchen." Esme said. "It's been a while and I've missed it."

She handed me a plate with a stack of five large pancakes on it.

"I know you wolves eat a lot, but I also didn't want to insult you, so feel free to help yourself to more." She said.

"Trust me, it takes a lot to insult me, and I'm not going to be insulted by you saying we eat a lot when I know it's the truth. I've seen Jacob eat a dozen hot dogs, three bags of chips, and a two liter of root beer before." I told her, sitting on the island right behind her and starting to eat. I let out a moan at the taste of the food, "You and Emily could easily be the reason I gain thirty pounds." I said, causing Esme to let out a sweet laugh.

"I'm glad I can keep you full. I wouldn't want you to starve while you're over here." She said. It wasn't long before the pancakes had disappeared from my plate, along with two more, and Alice was bouncing into the kitchen, telling me it was time for us to leave.

I found it easy to keep my end of the deal as Alice drug me in and out of each shop in Olympia. Anytime she found something I liked, she bought it, insisting that "You're going to have many more dates with Jasper and I can't have you re-wearing an outfit just because it was a spur of the moment idea." The morning had been fun and Alice and I bonded, talking over anything and everything we could think of. Even though we had only been through half of the mall, we already had made about five trips back to her car, loading bags in the trunk until it was full.

"Can we take a break so I can eat?" I asked her once we were back in the mall. The food court was in the middle of the mall so it made it easy to take a break without being weighed down with fifty bags.

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