Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning on my own and feeling refreshed for the first time in since before the fight. The first thought that traced my mind was Jasper, followed by just how hungry I was. I rolled over to face my nightstand, grabbing my phone and reading the text message Jasper sent earlier that morning.

Morning, Little Wolf. Hope you're sleeping well and I can't wait to hear the good news. Carlisle, Esme, and Edward all know and none of them will tell me. The message was sent at 8:32 this morning, looking at the clock I saw it was now 10:05.

Morning, Cowboy. I slept amazingly and that's because they figure I'll want to tell you and they're smart. I sent back, figuring I wouldn't get a response while he was out hunting, but carrying the phone downstairs anyways.

I set it down on the table, walking over to the fridge and pulling out eggs, crumbled sausage, and various vegetables. I made sure to listen out for my phone as I cooked my omelet, cleaning up while my food was cooling down. I picked up the plate of food, grabbed a fork, and my phone and walked outside and onto the small porch, sitting at one of the little patio tables. I wasn't sure where Emily was this morning, and figured Sam was out patrolling. I carefully balanced my plate on my lap and started to eat my omelet with my one free hand, almost done with it when I saw Paul walking over to the house. I took another bite as he sat down next to me,

"I need Carlisle to let you phase already." He said.

"Good morning to you, too." I said, finishing chewing my food, "What's wrong?"

"I need my guard buddy back." He said, annoyance dripping from every word he spoke.

"Who did you guard with this morning?" I asked, looking over at him. While Leah and I were best friends and joined at the hip most of the time, Paul and I had taken on a sibling role with each other. Everyone in the pack were extremely close with one another, sharing thoughts tended to do that to people, but Paul was definitely most protective over me and I had a soft spot for him.

"Jared. All he could think about was Kim and how he hasn't seen her since before the fight." He said, leaning back in the chair and putting his hands over his face, "I know it's hard to be away from your imprint, but she was safe and sound here on the reservation. They were on the phone all night, so you'd think they would be fine."

I wanted to tell him he would understand once he imprinted, and that the only reason I wasn't going insane without speaking or seeing Jasper for as long as I have is because I've been asleep for it all. I decided against it,

"I'm on day five out of seven of no phasing, I believe in you." I told him, putting my now empty plate on the table. "Then I can start annoying you again, I've kind of missed it."

"I have, too, but if you start to only talk about your imprint, I will trade shifts and leave you to listen to Jared's complaining." He threatened, causing me to start laughing.

"You love me too much to do that and you know it." I said, him shrugging in response,

"Don't start rubbing your imprint in my face and I won't have to. Now, why don't you and I go spend some time at the beach?" He suggested, standing up, offering me a hand that I accepted.

"Sounds great, but I have to be back around 3 so I can go see Jazz." I told him. He muttered something under his breath before speaking up,

"I still need to really meet him. You got to meet his family and be intimidated, it's his turn to face the scary brother and protective best friend."

"The pack can terrify him when I can phase again." I said.

"Why not until you phase again?" He asked. I was a little nervous as I lowly spoke my next sentence,

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