Chapter 9

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I didn't worry about rushing back to the house, knowing Paul had already let Sam know I was safe. I made sure to make note of every little detail I could about the reservation. I did this a lot, trying to memorize it all as if it would disappear the next day and I would wake up alone and on the run again.

Eventually, I arrived back at Sam and Emily's and stepped inside the welcoming little home, expecting to see Sam and Emily at the table but instead finding the whole pack, Emily, and the Elders standing and sitting around the table. The air was tense and I could tell whatever they had been talking about hadn't been an easy conversation.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking between all of their faces, landing on Leah, Paul, and Sam the most, hoping one of them would eventually speak. My heart was pounding in my chest and the worst thoughts flashed through my mind. Were they kicking me out of the pack because I imprinted on Jasper? Were they going to make me choose between them and Jasper? I wouldn't be able to choose that. Sam looked down at Billy and nodded before Billy started to speak.

"Laela, as you know, we've all accepted you into this pack and into the family. While your imprint has raised many questions and has caused us to have to question everything we thought about imprinting, we would never want you to feel like you would have to choose between us and your imprint." What he said eased some of my anxiety, but Sam could've told me that. It didn't explain why it looked like the whole town was gathered in our home.

"Thank you, for not kicking me out. I know it's not an ideal imprint." I said, looking between him and Sam. I wasn't given a chance to say anything else before Billy continued speaking,

"An imprint has never been something we would kick someone out of the pack over. It's a sacred thing for us and, while there has been some discourse over this, it's never come close to you being kicked out of the pack." Billy reassured me. I couldn't help it, them saying that they never came close to sending me on my way was a huge relief, one that overwhelmed me so much that I had to quickly wipe away tears from under my eyes and keep myself from crying.

"If she's crying now, she's going to have a meltdown at the next part, Sam." Seth said, laughing at my reaction, then wincing when Leah elbowed him. I furrowed my eyebrows together and looked from Seth, back to Sam and Billy.

"The next part?" I asked, scanning the rest of the faces in the room. Most of them wore smiles, some of them held nervous excitement, and while some didn't look excited, you could tell they were happy. I waited for an answer for about three more seconds before Paul finally blurted out,

"Billy or Sam, if one of you don't tell her, I will!" He snipped, causing a few of the boys to start laughing.

"Do you remember the day I taught you about our treaty with the Cullen's?" Sam asked me. I nodded,

"Yes, all of us would coexist with each other as long as none of them crossed the treaty line or harmed a human in Forks." I said, remembering the day Sam had broken down what all the Treaty meant to the peace kept in Forks.

"Well, that was before you joined the pack and before you found your imprint. It's been a big discussion in the pack since Emily and I overheard you talking about Jasper in your sleep, even just today the most of us can tell a difference in the way you are after spending the day with him." Sam said, a deep blush covering my face when he said I was talking about Jasper in my sleep.

"We're going to keep the Treaty, but Carlisle, Esme, Sam, and I have decided on changing one part of the Treaty so you aren't in such a difficult position." Billy said now. "This change has not been a light decision and there's no way we can stress how big of a change this is, so we need to know that you'll respect the rules to the new change in the Treaty." I nodded, still not understanding where this was going.

"I'll follow whatever new rules were put in place." I told him, still as confused as I was walking in.

"The change in the Treaty is that you are now allowed to bring Jasper over Treaty lines. He must be accompanied by you in order to cross, he cannot go anywhere without you, and he is the only Cullen allowed on the land. We hope this shows you that we do accept you and think of you as family, even with you imprinting on him." Before Billy could even finish, I had started crying, once again, overwhelmed by how much they had accepted me in such a small amount of time. I walked straight over to Sam and Billy, giving them both the biggest hugs I could muster with one arm.

"Thank you, thank you both so much for this." I told them, "You have no idea what this means to me."

"You're a member of the pack now, Laela, we don't want you to feel like you're unwelcome or we treat you any differently. We would've made this same decision had anyone else been in this situation." Sam said, eventually both of us pulling away and the rest of the pack coming over and giving me hugs.

"I told you that it would be okay." Jacob said to me when he finally got a chance to hug me.

"I know, I know, you're always right." I said, sarcastically.

"Damn straight I am. It also means I'm right when you smell like a leech." He said, grimacing at the smell of the Cullens all over me.

"I'm taking that as a hint to go change." I said before walking upstairs and, somehow, changing into a different set of clothes that didn't smell like them.

After rejoining the rest of the pack and the elders downstairs, we all continued to talk about just about anything and everything that had been going on. I hadn't missed much not being able to phase, but everyone felt weird not having me out to help run patrol. Everyone only stayed around for about two hours after the news was announced before heading back home. I grabbed a plate of leftovers from the fridge before saying goodnight and a thanks to Emily and Sam then heading up to my room.

I saw the book on my nightstand and set my food down next to it, changing into pajamas and settling into my bed. I hadn't decided how much I was going to read, figuring I would just stop when I grew tired, but as I read more, all of my food long gone by now, I couldn't convince myself to put the book down. Jasper had good taste in books, I could say that honestly. It wasn't until I got to the very last chapter that I finally understood everything in the book. For what felt like the millionth time that day, I started crying. I wasn't able to stop myself, the ending of the book completely taking me by surprise and feeling like it was ripping my heart out.

I tuned out the phone ringing on my nightstand, not even realizing what it was until after I had finished. I quickly grabbed the phone and answered it, sniffling a bit and my voice hoarse from all of the crying,

"Hello?" I answered, not having read who was calling.

"Laela, are you okay? Alice had a vision of you crying." Jasper's voice rang in my ears through the phone.

"Which time?" I asked, chuckling dryly.

"What do you mean 'which time'? Why have you been crying? Do I need to come and get you?" He said in a rush.

"Jasper, you're the reason I cried one of the times! You gave me one of the saddest books to exist!" I said, laughing at how worried he was.

"You were crying over Grace?" He asked, a shocked tone in his voice.

"Yes, I was crying! That was the most heart-wrenching things I've ever read!" I exclaimed.

"Oh boy do I have a few more books for you, then." He said, laughing a little bit at the groan that escaped my lips. "Why else were you crying?"

"I don't want to explain it over the phone, but it's good news. I was happy crying." I reassured him.

"I'll be looking forward to hearing the news tomorrow, Little Wolf."

"What time do you want to meet?"

"I'll come to pick you up at 3 so I can hunt. Same place." He said and I could practically hear the smile in his voice.

"Alright, I'll see you then with your demon book in hand." I told him.

"Goodnight, Little Wolf, get some sleep." Jasper told me, a smile spreading across my face.

"Goodnight, Cowboy." I told him, hanging up the phone and setting it on top of the book. I laid down in my bed and fell asleep before I even realized I was truly tired. 

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