Chapter 6

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"So how did it go last night?" Leah asked me. She and I met halfway on the walk to the woods, both of us knowing we were going to be a little early. I looked over at her and nodded, biting my lip.

"It went really well. We only talked for a little bit, so I can't say much about it." I told her, honestly. "We only really got to talk about our pasts before it started getting too late."

"Is it everything everyone goes on about?" She asked.

"I honestly don't know. I think maybe if it happened with someone here, then I could say yes right now, but there's still a lot we don't know about each other. I know genetics will say it won't matter, but it's still terrifying considering all." I answered. "Thank you for asking. I know it hasn't been easy and even less so with the imprintee being what he is, but I appreciate you trying." I told her, reaching up and hugging her.

She hugged me back and sighed a bit, "It's not your choice. You didn't choose for it to happen. And plus, you're the only other girl on the rezz that's a wolf. I need to keep you around for my sanity." She said, causing both of us to laugh a little bit.

Eventually the rest of our pack showed up and we were on our way back to the field. I hadn't brought Jasper's hoodie back today, not wanting the rest of them to find out about it, meaning hear them tease me about it, and keep embarrassing me the whole practice. A couple minutes passed, and they all were gathered at the field again, Carlisle letting them all know it would be the final day we could really train before the fight the day after tomorrow and that they wouldn't be doing too much on the training aspect and more of the set-up aspect of it all. I sat at the opposite end of the pack from where I usually sat, making sure I was within a quick distance to get to Jasper. I knew nothing would end up happening to him, but I wanted to be close to him.

They finished the last fight when Jasper was finally satisfied with what he was seeing. He came over to stand in front of me and started telling us more about the fight, most of it being repetitive but making us all feel better that we at least knew something rather than nothing.

"Like I've said before, the wolves will provide us with an unexpected advantage. The newborns won't know what hit them, but of course if they see you as soon as you walk on the field we're really in trouble. Thanks to Alice we know where the six of us in my will be best hidden. Unfortunately, Alice is unable to see your kind, so just remember, if you can see them, they can see you." He explained.

Seth and Laela will be helping Edward protect Bella and sit out the fight. Sam said, bringing me to my feet and causing both of us to turn around and look at him.

Why?! Seth said immediately.

Like hell I'm sitting out this fight! I argued, thoughts of Jasper fighting alone crossing my mind and making my fur stand on end.

Both of you will sit out this fight and that's final. Seth you're too young and Laela there's too many ways you could get distracted in the fight. He used his Alpha voice neither of us could argue with him if you wanted to, but Seth did come and sit next to Jasper and me.

"Sam is right." Edward spoke up, "Everyone on the field will be able to fight with a clearer mind if they know that they won't have to protect you two and know that Bella is safer with two wolves protecting her."

Seth felt a little better after hearing this, his thoughts not as upset, but I still didn't like the idea of Jasper being on the field without me there, even though I knew he could protect himself. I didn't have a choice though, what our alpha said, went. I would just have to be okay with listening in on the fight.

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