Chapter 20

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Rosalie and I called Emmett and Jasper only a few times before we reached the airport, and both of us knew this pregnancy was going to cause some kind of rift in the family as a whole, but neither of us realized just how big the situation was until we reached the airport. Edward and Bella's flight was unloading and the second we saw Bella, we could see what she was talking about. The baby bump wasn't anything huge, must people wouldn't be able to tell unless they were staring extremely hard, but even a few centimeters larger of a stomach was something Rose and I could pick up on. That wasn't the most shocking thing that happened at the airport, it was Bella running up to the both of us and pulling us into a hug that shocked us the most. We both realized just how serious Bella was in that moment and hugged her back. We kept her close to us and away from Edward and Carlisle's whispering that only we would be able to pick up on as we walked back to the car.

"Can you get it out of her?" Edward has asked.

"I'll try, but I don't know what I'm working with." Carlisle answered.

Rose and I's heads whipped around to look at them at the same time, glaring at them harshly, though mostly at Edward, and low growls escaped the both of us at the same time.

"They won't touch you unless you say so." I said. It was directed towards Bella but Edward reflected mine and Rosalie's looks as I said it.

It's her choice, not yours. I thought, knowing he would hear it.

The drive back to Forks went the same as the drive to Dallas – silent. Bella and I only spoke when we were hungry or had to go to the bathroom. Bella slept most of the way back and I wondered if she had slept at all on the plane ride to Dallas. When we reached the house, Jasper, Emmett, Alice, and Esme met us outside. Emmett and Jasper immediately hugged Rosalie and I the minute we were out of the car.

"I'm sorry for leaving. I had to." I told Jasper. "Please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad, I knew you were safe, it was just scary coming home to Esme saying you left with Carlisle and Rosalie and not being able to tell us why." Jasper said, keeping me close to him.

"Bella can tell you why we left when she's ready, but it won't be hard to tell without her telling you. Just know this is something I have to stand by her on." I said, pulling away and looking up at him. He was silent for a moment, taking in my emotions before nodding.

"Okay, even if I don't agree with you, I'll stand by you." He leaned down and planted a kiss against my lips. I eagerly returned the kiss until he pulled away, looking over my shoulder. I turned and saw what he saw. Bella. Bella who had a more defined baby bump – even though the drive was less than 24 hours. It was enough that it was starting to show against her shirt, still nothing even Charlie would probably notice, but enough that we could see how fast the baby was growing.

"She's pregnant." He said.

"Yes, she called Rosalie and I because she knows we would understand. She knows we both had our choices taken away from us and she's afraid that Carlisle and Edward are taking her choice away from her." Jasper drug his eyes away from Bella and looked down at me, confliction clear on his face. "It's her choice." I said firmly. He nodded.

"I'm just worried, it's obviously not human and if the pack finds out, we could be put in even more danger. They might have been okay with Bella's consent to being changed, but something tells me they won't react as kindly as you are to a hybrid."

"I won't phase until it's safe to." I said without a second thought.

"But Sam said- "

"It doesn't matter. I'm almost completely healed and something tells me Emmett and I won't be rough housing too much anyway."

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