Chapter 8

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I don't remember Carlisle leaving, or even falling asleep.

I didn't remember much over the next few days. Carlisle had left a few extra bags of morphine, knowing that our body temperature would burn through a regular dose of morphine easily. I vaguely remember waking up every few hours in order to eat and drink enough to keep me from starving or becoming dehydrated, and then sending an update to Jasper and Leah. He would always reply instantly, saying that he was glad I was doing okay, and he couldn't wait to see me again. Leah would tell me she couldn't wait for me to be back to normal and able to phase so we could finally race. It was day three before Sam and Emily finally ran out of morphine and I was able to truly wake up.

I walked out to the living room where Sam, Jared, Paul, and Emily were sat talking about something I couldn't pick up on.

"There she is! Sleeping beauty has awoken." Emily greeted me. I chuckled,

"Only because y'all finally ran out of morphine to keep me asleep." I said jokingly, pulling a chair out from the table with the arm that wasn't in a sling and sitting down. "Something does smell amazing though." I told her, Paul standing up before I could even ask what it was and fixing me a plate.

"Here you go." He said, setting the plate down in front of me, a large cinnamon roll with icing in the middle.

"Thank you." I told him before picking it up and beginning to eat.

"How do you feel?" Emily asked me as the three males in the room went back to discussing whatever it was from before.

"Like I need a shower and I'm already going stir crazy." I said, chuckling.

"Going stir crazy from being asleep for three days, or going stir crazy from being without your imprint for three days?" She asked, a cheeky smile and quirked eyebrow following the question, causing me to blush and silently continue eating the delicious pastry in front of me. "How do you feel physically though?" She asked.

"Better than three days ago. I'm still sore a little bit, but I don't feel like my shoulder is a lit flame." I told her, "Actually, I was planning on going out today just to walk around a little bit." I lied. I could tell she knew it was a lie, but she also could tell exactly where I was going to go and just nodded,

"As long as you don't strain yourself or phase." She told me. I quickly leaned over and hugged her the best I could, smiling widely and heading up the stairs to get ready. I knew I wouldn't have to ask Jasper if it was okay for us to meet so I didn't bother sending him another message until after I had showered - only moving my shoulder to wash myself - and get dressed with some help from Emily when it came to sliding on my shirt and Jasper's hoodie.

Meet you at the northern side of treaty line? I sent to him.

Be there in five minutes. He replied.

I walked through the reservation, feeling as though I hadn't seen everyone in week even though it had only been three days. It wasn't until I saw Jasper standing beside the Jeep that I realized just how much I had missed him. A bright smile spread across his face at the same time one spread across mine. As soon as I was across the treaty line, he had scooped me up, still being careful of my left side, and had me in a big hug.

"I've missed you, my Little Wolf." He said into my ear, "These three days have felt like an eternity."

"I missed you, too, my Cowboy." I said back, him setting me down.

"Your Cowboy?" He asked.

"If you get to call me Little Wolf, I get to call you Cowboy. At least until I think of something better."

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