❁ three ❁

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The next day Louis makes a mental note to be on the look out for Harry so if he sees him he can give him his book back. He decided to leave it in the studio though, because he doesn't really carry a bag and he doesn't want to have to lug it around all day.

He has some free time so he decides to go down to the school's cafe because there's always quite a few people there and his chances of finding Harry are probably a lot higher than if he just sits around somewhere.

Louis does feel a little bad for not going after Harry when he left because he might've really needed the book, but at the same time he's really happy he didn't because now, hopefully he'll get to see Harry again.

He never really thought about anyone seeing his work let alone enjoying it. Art is something he's always been passionate about and even if he's not trying to do it as a career it's still really nice knowing that there's someone who thinks he's actually talented. Harry's really sweet for stopping by just to say that and Louis' really thankful he did because he's been having a pretty shitty week and hearing that from someone as sweet as Harry is, made it a lot better.

Louis wishes he had more people in his life like Harry. Sure, they just met and Louis doesn't really know much about him but it's obvious he's a generous and kind person, he wouldn't have offered to help if he wasn't. He just really hopes that after he gives Harry his book back, that they'll see each other again.

After getting to the cafe, Louis decides he could use the time to do some homework or study. He also decides he's going to order a coffee so he goes and gets in line for that, glancing back at the entrance every so often to check if Harry's come in. Louis knows the odds of him actually coming aren't really that high, but it's worth a shot right?

After getting his coffee Louis goes to one of the empty tables and sits down, getting his books out to study, or at least he tries to, his mind is a little distracted right now.

Some time passes, Louis' not exactly sure how much but he thinks it's probably been long enough. Harry's not coming so he'll just have to get it to him another time. Louis will admit he's a little disappointed but they'll have to meet at some point right?

Louis gathers up his things and stuffs it all back in his bag. He quickly finishes his drink and then tosses the cup away before heading out to leave.

Right as he walks through the door to leave the cafe, Louis bumps into someone much taller than him.

"Sorry, I'm sorry," Louis rushes out, looking down and quickly backing away from whoever it is.

"Louis? Are you okay?"

No way. Louis looks up and is met with Harry's green eyes starring right back at him. "Harry? Yeah, I'm good. Sorry I should've been watching."

"Nah you're good it was probably my fault anyway, I'm pretty clumsy," Harry says, laughing at himself just a little.

"Oh, um, you left your book in the studio and I thought you'd probably want to get that," Louis says.

"Oh yeah thank you, I need it to study tonight. Good thing we ran into each other."

"Literally," Louis adds, with a quiet chuckle and a small smile.

Harry gives Louis a fond look before nodding towards the hallway. "You wanna come with to get it?" he asks.

Louis nods. "Yeah sure, I was heading there anyway."

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