❁ five ❁

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Over the weekend, Harry took some more time to go over what he wants to do and if he wants to continue trying to make the whole 'Louis thing' work. It took some debating in his own mind and even out loud to Niall, his other closest friend, and Kendall again, before he finally felt sure of his decision.

Even if he tried, now that he knows Louis doesn't mind hanging out with him, at least he thinks he doesn't, Harry would never be able to force himself to stay away. He knows that there's a high chance of getting hurt but to be totally honest, Harry doesn't really care all that much.

During his class, Harry has the same jittery feeling in his stomach that he always does at the thought of seeing Louis, only lately it's been a bit stronger. Sometimes Harry even finds himself with a dopey smile, getting lost in daydreams of feathery hair and pastel colours, and forgetting all about the work in front of him, the sound of chairs scooting out and backpacks being zipped being the only thing capable of bringing him back to reality.

Once Harry realises the lecture is over, he hurriedly stands up, collecting his things as he does so, and walks with the rest of his class out into the halls. The only thing on his mind is getting to walk past the art studio again.

Even if they haven't talked recently, Harry has a feeling that he'll get to see Louis again. There's no way that the universe would be so cruel as to taunt him with only the mere amount of time he got to spend with the person he's so infatuated with, and not give him anymore.


Apparently he was right.

"Louis," Harry says as he gets closer to the studio.

"Hey, um so I hate to ask you for another favour," Louis starts, glancing down at the large painting he has standing by his feet and leaning up against his legs.

"No, no, I can help. Do you need to move that somewhere?" Harry asks, rushing over and grabbing onto the painting that Louis was struggling to hold up on his own.

"Yeah...sorry to be such a bother, I'm just, I'm not very strong," Louis says with a quiet laugh that Harry just barely hears.

"It's cool, really," Harry assures, grabbing onto one side of the painting, Louis the other, as they both start to move it to wherever it is that Louis needs to take it. 

"I've been trying to find an excuse to talk to you again," Harry says after a few short moments of silence. "I'm actually kind of happy you asked me to help."

Louis looks somewhat surprised by what Harry says. It's not often that someone wants to spend time with him or actually talk to him. It's very new having a person who truly wants his company.

"Really?" Louis asks from his side of the painting. It's a fairly large one so it's a little bit hard for Harry to see him on the other side.

"Yeah, there were times where I was gonna just stop by but you looked so busy and I didn't want to interrupt."

"Turn here," Louis says once they get to another hall. "And I told you, I really don't mind at all. Most times what I'm working on is just for fun, and even if it's not, you still would never be a bother."

Harry loves the way that Louis' voice is always so soft, even if it's just an outcome of his shyness, it's still so nice to listen to.

"Okay, I just didn't know if it was one of those things where you were just being polite or if you really meant it," Harry says a bit more lightly this time.

Louis tells Harry to stop in front of a room that has the label 'general arts' next to it. Harry assumes it's the art room used more for large classes instead of the smaller studio that Louis' always in.

"No," Louis says as he opens the door to the room that Harry notices is empty. "It's not, really, come by anytime, well you know, when I'm actually there."

Harry smiles as he helps Louis pick the painting up again and bring it into the art room. "You're probably gonna regret saying that, cause now I'm gonna be coming in all the time."

Louis, for the first time today, actually looks at Harry and makes eye contact for longer than a second, even of it's only a tiny bit longer, Harry still doesn't miss the way that they seem to sparkle.

"You better live up to your word, because now I'm counting on it," Louis says quietly, breaking eye contact as he does so.

Harry just smiles softly to himself as he watches Louis walk out of the the room. Harry of course follows and soon they're walking side by side down the halls once again.

"Why was that painting so heavy anyway? It was just a canvas," Harry asks.

"The wood is like, a different type and it's way heavier I guess," Louis explains.

Harry nods to himself. "Ah, okay."

"Yeah, sorry again."

"For what? I told you, I'm happy you asked. It probably would've been another week of me going back and forth trying to decide if I should say hi or not, if you hadn't."

Louis quietly laughs to himself, which Harry notices he does quite often. Sometimes though, it's like it's not actually because he finds the situation funny. It's almost as if it's more in a self deprecating way.

"Yeah I guess," Louis says as they make it back to the smaller studio. It definitely feels like the time went by far too quickly to Harry.

"Thank you," Louis softly but sincerely adds, after stopping in the door way.

"Yeah, of course. Team work, right?" Harry raises his hand just a little for a high five but notices that Louis flinches a bit.

However, the little movement is soon forgotten once Louis gives Harry a soft smile and returns the gesture. "Right, teamwork."

"Okay well, if you need anything else, don't be afraid to ask," Harry says, hoping that Louis knows he means it.

Louis nods. "Yeah well if you ever want to stop by, don't be afraid to." 

Harry smiles and nods before saying bye to Louis and happily making his way to his next class. Harry's mood was pretty good before but now it's at an all time high. He feels like a kid with the way he's all tingly and smiley.

Louis has always affected him that way though, that's just how he is. His presence brings a calm and happy vibe that even with his shyness and timid persona, some how radiates through him and spreads to everyone around. At least that's how Harry feels it does.

And okay, so maybe, telling by the way his step is lighter and it's literally impossible for his lips not to be turned upwards, Harry knows that his feelings for Louis probably won't be leaving anytime soon but honestly, with how wonderful he feels right now, Harry's not so sure he wants them to.

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