❁ four ❁

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The next few days Harry and Louis don't really see each other. Of course Harry still walks past the studio everyday, but Louis always looks so busy and Harry doesn't want to be a bother so he doesn't stop by at all. It actually takes some will power to do so, considering after the time he spent with Louis, even if it wasn't all that much, Harry's urges to see him again have only gotten stronger.

It's a Saturday today which means Harry doesn't have any classes so him and Kendall, his best friend, are going to the mall together. Kendall has always been the person he goes to for advice and even though he's positive he likes Louis, he's not sure exactly how he feels about him or what he wants to do about it, so maybe she can help him sort his thoughts out a little bit.

After the drive to the mall Harry parks and then goes in, heading to the food court where they planed to meet up at. Once he gets there, Harry looks around the busy area before his eyes finally land on Kendall, sitting at a table by herself.

As a lousy attempt to scare his friend, Harry sneaks up behind her and taps on her shoulder with a quiet 'boo'.

Kendall looks up and gives Harry a glare that quickly turns into a soft smile as he sits down across from her. "Hi," she says, setting her phone down and directing her attention to Harry.

"Hey, how long have you been here?" Harry asks.

"I don't know, not long. What did you want to talk about that was so important?" Kendall asks, getting straight to the point, not letting Harry stall or waste time on unimportant matters.

Harry sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "Well you see," he says, trying to find the words to explain his situation. "There's this guy, his name is Louis," Harry finishes, deciding on short but to the point.

Kendall raises her eyebrows. "Louis?"

"Yeah, I think I've told you about him before, the one that paints," Harry says, remembering the day that he saw Louis drinking tea in an oversized sweater that covered his hands and how he just couldn't help telling her about it.

"Oh, what about him?" Kendall asks, remembering just how annoyed she was when Harry would not shut up about how 'cute and soft' Louis was.

Harry plays with the hem of his shirt underneath the table. He doesn't really know why he's so nervous to say it because it's just Kendall, but for some reason he is.

Maybe it's because up until just a short while ago, the idea of actually spending time with Louis or the possibility of being with him was just a fantasy. Now that it's something that's real, it's a little more nerve-racking. Harry only knew the Louis from his imagination, the Louis who he never actually had to talk to or try and impress.

"I think I like him," Harry says almost sheepishly, as if it's a bad thing to have such feelings for Louis. "Like a lot."

"Oh," Kendall says. "You know, I think he has a boyfriend," she adds hesitantly, not wanting to upset Harry or make him feel bad.

Harry goes quiet for a moment. He never even thought about how even though he's talking to Louis in real life, it doesn't necessarily mean he has him the way he did in his imagination. It was kind of naive of him to not take that possibility into consideration wasn't it?

"Oh...are you sure?"

Kendall nods with a sad and sympathetic smile. "Yeah, I'm friends with his sister."

"Oh, you are?" Harry asks, being unaware that Louis had any siblings at all, until now.

"Yeah, Lottie. She's sweet, we're not like best friends or anything,  but we talk."

Harry once again goes silent, not really knowing how to react. He's not the type of person to try and break up a relationship, and he never will be so he has no intentions of trying to get Louis to be with him, but he's still let down and there's no denying that.

"Do you think it's still okay for me to hang out with him, you know, as friends?" Harry asks.

Kendall shrugs. "I mean yeah, as long as you don't let your feelings get in the way of your relationship with him."

Harry nods as he thinks it over in his head. On one hand he's pretty sure he could do that. He thinks that after hanging out with Louis for a while knowing that nothing will ever happen, his crush will likely disappear.

On the other hand though, Harry's not so sure if that really is as true as he'd like it to be. It might just make it even harder to get over him. How would spending time with the person he likes so much, getting to see how wonderful they are even more than before, help him get over the crush?

Harry debates both sides in his head, even if his crush never does go away, Harry's sure he'd be able to keep his feelings in check enough that they wouldn't make Louis feel weird or hurt his relationship and that's why he decides that even if he can't be with him romantically, being friends is at least better than nothing at all. Louis' too good to give up for something as silly as a crush. Even if it's a pretty deep crush.

"Yeah, he seemed to not mind talking to me and stuff. I think if I went for it we could definitely be friends," Harry says, nodding to himself.

Kendall looks at Harry for a few seconds before responding. "Yeah but Harry, don't you think it will hurt you to have these feelings for him even though you know that the type of relationship you want with him isn't a possibility?"

Harry looks down to the table and shrugs. "Maybe...but I think it'll be worth it."

Kendall gives Harry a worried look but doesn't protest. "Okay, well just be careful. I don't want to see you getting hurt."

"I won't, don't worry," Harry says, even though he's well aware of the fact that he has no control over what happens or how it makes him feel.

"Okay..." Kendall says, still a little wary about the entire situation.

After talking about other stuff going on in their lives for a little while, Kendall and Harry decide to just walk around the mall to occupy some time. They go into different stores and look at some clothes that they have no intention of buying.

"Hey," Harry says as Kendall holds up a shirt to herself. "What if you just like, casually threw my name into a conversation with Lottie."

"What? Why?" Kendall asks, putting the shirt down and moving on to another one.

"Well because maybe if you say some good things about me, she'll bring it up to Louis."

"But Harry, why would she bring you up to him if he already has a boyfriend?"

Harry's shoulders slump. "Oh yeah, I kind of forgot about that."

"Then again...Lottie doesn't really like Louis' boyfriend, or at least it seems that way, so maybe it would work."

Harry gives Kendall a hopeful smile. "Yeah? Well hopefully that means that I have a chance."

Kendall nods. "Yeah maybe. Does this look cute?"

Harry nods his head. "Yeah but the blue one would look better."

With that, Harry and Kendall continue their 'shopping' until they both decide they're tired of it and want to go home. Harry's glad he got to spend some time with her because he doesn't get too much time away from school related things and like he said Kendall is always good to go to when he needs to make a decision or to relieve stress.

He didn't know Louis had a boyfriend but now he does and of course, it sucks. Like he said though, he'd never try to break them up but there may or may not be a part of him that hopes the relationship ends soon. 

He kind of hates that his feelings make him want that because what if whoever it is Louis' with is truly making him happy? Wouldn't it be selfish to want to take that away? Then again, it's not that Harry wants to take it away per se, he just wishes it was him Louis loved instead.

✿ ✿ ✿

✏︎ A/N: hey, what's up? It's been a while.

No but really, how have you guys been?

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