❁ thirteen ❁

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When Harry goes to see Louis, it doesn't feel the same. It feels good, don't get him wrong, but knowing what he knows -or thinks he knows- about Eliot changes things.

Of all people, Harry knows what it's like to be clumsy and he knows that yes, it definitely can leave bruises, but not like what Louis has. It's more so where they're placed, really. On both his wrists and his waist. It's just a little too coincidental for Harry to believe it's from silly accidents.

"Have you ever thought about entering your art in a contest?" Harry asks Louis.

Louis continues painting yet another beautiful piece of art. "No, I don't think I ever will."

"Why not?"

"Don't really want the attention, honestly. I'm not a spotlight person."

Harry proceeds to doodle on his notes, copying Louis' painting but in much more of a 'made by a preschooler way' while him and Louis talk. "Oh, I get that. Have you always been that way?"

Louis stops paining for a second and then continues. "Uh, I actually was pretty outgoing when I was younger. I don't want to get all heavy or anything but I developed a lot of anxiety and I guess my personality changed."

Harry stops doodling and looks to Louis who's facing away from him and towards his painting. He knew Louis had anxiety, it's obvious, but he really hopes that it's not because of what just popped into his head. It'd be different if Louis said he was always shy, but for something, or someone, to go and totally suppress his personality like that, Harry feels like it had to be pretty traumatic or as Harry's worst fear, is pretty traumatic.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. Anxiety is the worst. I can't imagine having it all the time, anyone who can pull through that is so strong. I hope those people know how amazing they are," Harry says, purposely trying to make Louis feel good.

"Don't feel bad, having anxiety does suck yes, but painting helps me a lot with it. I'm so glad I decided to start doing it. I don't know where I'd be without it," Louis replies.

Harry nods, even if Louis can't see him. He's noticed that Louis' not being as quiet and timid around him which is good. Harry's really glad that Louis' pretty comfortable around him because Harry hopes that if what he thinks is going on with Eliot is true, that he can be a happy thing in Louis' life.

"You know," Harry says, "I know I've said it before, but I'm really glad we're friends. You're really cool."

And he truly means it, he's not just saying it because he wants to make Louis feel good. Harry does genuinely think Louis is so cool.

Louis turns around on his stool enough to look at Harry. He has a soft look in his eye but also a very surprised one too. His eyebrows knit together but not out of anger, more in a confused way.

"Really?" Louis says, sounding like he doesn't believe Harry.

Harry nods with a smile. "Really."

Louis stares at Harry for a moment, not knowing how to respond. His cheeks turn a light pink color and he grabs the end of his sleeve with the hand that's not holding the paint brush.

"Me too. I know we've only known each other for a few weeks but I haven't known anyone this well in a while. Well, besides Eliot of course."

Harry hates that just the mention of Eliot's name makes his blood boil. He also hates how it can change his mood so quickly. He doesn't let it show though, he doesn't want to make Louis feel like he's done something wrong.

"Well I feel honored to be the person that changed that."

Louis smiles, feeling his heart beat faster and his whole body feel warmer. He really does like being around Harry. He feels comfortable around him which isn't usually how he feels around people he's only known for a few weeks.

Harry knows that Niall and Kendall are right and he knows he can't act on it, but right now, being with Louis, the thought of what Eliot might be doing makes him want to kill him. Or at least hit him really hard. Multiple times.

Louis is the sweetest person Harry has ever met. Everyone has things they can improve on and everyone has baggage of some sort, Harry knows this includes Louis. Harry knows that there's probably been moments where Louis wasn't as kind and sweet, but Harry can just tell that Louis is a really good person and that his heart is well, golden.

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry sees his phone light up from a notification and he notices what time it is. "Shit," Harry says kind of quietly but loud enough for Louis to hear.

Louis turns around again. "What?"

"I gotta go, I'm gonna be late."

Louis nods. "Okay, thanks for stopping by."

Harry grabs all of his things and stands up. "Yeah, thanks for letting me."

And with that Harry says goodbye and leaves the studio, praying that Louis doesn't have to go home anytime soon.

✿ ✿ ✿

"I'm just worried. I'm sorry for dumping all of this on you Ni, but I don't know what else to do," Harry says to Niall who's sitting on his bed in their dorm.

Niall sighs. "Don't worry about it. And listen, I don't mean this in a mean way, but if Eliot is hitting Louis, that means it's been going in for awhile. Louis' strong, at least from what you said he sounds like he is. You just need to trust that you'll find a way to help him but until then, you have to trust that Louis can handle it like he already has been."

Harry looks to Niall and shakes his head, getting really emotional about it. "I just don't want him hurt."

"I know, Harry, but I feel like you look at him as this tiny fragile thing that needs to be coddled and protected all the time. He's grown, just because he presents himself in a soft way doesn't mean he's going to break."

"What if he already has? He said himself that his personality has been pushed away."

"I'm sure it is very traumatic for him and I'm sure he'll take awhile to recover from it, I'm not belittling his situation in any way, but Harry you're a very empathetic person, you let things like this affect you personally. You're doing the best you can right now, you'll figure something out and all of us are here to help you, but for now you need to just stay calm and rational."

"Yeah, thanks. I know you're right about not letting it affect me personally, but it's not that easy. Like I can't just forget about it," Harry says.

"That's not what I'm saying. I mean that you need to not let yourself feel guilty because you haven't saved him yet. Just remember that you talking to him in a positive way at all, is probably helping him so much."

Harry nods. "Yeah. I was thinking about that last night before I fell asleep. I remember thinking about him and smiling, so maybe he does the same. I mean just because it's a happy memory you know. Like maybe even if he still has a bad time at home, he can smile about something."

Niall gives a small smile. "Exactly. Maybe you should invite him to hang out with Kendall, you, and I."

"Yeah maybe. I think I'm just going to wait a little bit until I know he's super comfortable with me before I throw more people at him. It's important that if we do hang out that he doesn't feel like a fourth wheel or anything," Harry says, knowing that Louis would have a bit of anxiety about meeting his friends.

"You really do care about him don't you?" Niall asks.

"Yeah, I do. A lot."

✿ ✿ ✿

✏︎ A/N: I think one of my mistakes from other things I've written is there wasn't much conflict bc I didn't like seeing/writing my characters in pain, but I've realized that that's what makes it good, it makes you go 'well now I have to read because I need to know if this gets solved'

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