❁ twenty seven ❁

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"Alright, so this is good. I mean, complicated...but good," Lottie says as she brings some tea out to Harry and Louis.

"Yeah sorry to throw this all on you at once," Louis resounds, gratefully taking the cup.

As Lottie sits down on the chair that's facing Harry and Louis, she shakes her head. "Don't be. I know I uh, I know I've been distant with you," she says, looking down into her own cup of tea. "I'm sorry about that. I just didn't know how to deal with seeing you go through that. I guess I'm the type that chooses flight instead of fight."

"You did fight though. I was the one who pushed you away," Louis says.

"Um," Harry hesitantly chimes in, "I-I know it's not my place to really say anything here but honestly, neither of you are at fault. Like yeah, you both messed up a little but Eliot is the bad guy in this whole picture."

Lottie sighs and nods. "Yeah you're right. Let's just-let's just sort it all out later, yeah?" she asks, more to Louis than to Harry.

Louis nods as well and let's the moment pass by. "Right so, um, what's the plan?"

"You're gonna stay here, Harry and I can go get your stuff," Lottie says. "From Eliot I mean."

Louis glances over to Harry and the back to Lottie. "I'm not sure if that's the best idea Lots. I mean, if Eliot saw Harry....he's a big guy and don't get me wrong," he says, looking over to Harry, "I know it'd be a pretty even match but when Eliot's angry I swear he could like beat an elephant or something."

"Yeah that's true," Lottie says. "Maybe it's best to just like get all new stuff. Is there anything you feel like you absolutely need? Or something Eliot could use against you like a journal or something private?"

Louis shakes his head. "No, I did all my journaling on my laptop which I have in my school bag that I left in the studio."

"Good," Lottie says, seeming to run through different ideas in her head. "Okay, so I think what would be best is you and Harry both stay here for a few nights," she says, looking over to Harry. "If that's alright?"

Harry nods so Lottie continues. "Right and then we'll go from there. May Louis you could start to look for a job tomorrow or something? Don't get me wrong, you can stay here as long as you need, but you'll need money to get on your feet."

"Yeah no, I get it. You're right," Louis says. "I honestly really would like one, Eliot never let me have one."

"Okay cool, I'll go to the store and get some more stuff, you and Harry stay here and make yourselves at home. The guest bedroom is upstairs. You'll know it when you see it it's the only other bedroom besides mine and you'll know which one is mine," Lottie says.

"Yeah alright, um thanks again," Louis says as Lottie gets ready to leave.

Once she's gone, Harry and Louis look to each other and sigh. ""Well, we better go find the room," Harry says, standing up and reaching a hand out for Louis.

Louis takes his hand and stands up along with him. "Yeah...I guess."

"What's wrong?" Harry asks as they walk up the stairs together. Louis seemed a bit down.

"I don't know. I just feel bad for Lottie, you know? Like I just wish she didn't have to be involved, to have to take on the stress or whatever," Louis explains as they pass Lottie's room and make it to the guest room.

"I think she's perfectly fine with it. She seems happy to have you over and I'm sure she'd rather have you safe than not," Harry says, looking around.

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