❁ six ❁

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Harry's mood has seemed to be the same for the last few days, happy and maybe even a little bubbly. It's crazy how just one person can affect him so much that his entire day is better.

He finally decided that he's not gonna chicken out anymore and he'll stop by the studio this time. Hopefully Louis' there, Harry doesn't really doubt that he will be because this time of day always seems to be the time he spends in the studio, but still.

As he walks the hall, that seems to get longer and longer everyday, to the art room, Harry thinks about what he'll say to Louis. Maybe he could tell him a joke...then again maybe not. Most people seem to not like his jokes, even though they're really good in his own opinion.

As Harry gets closer to the door, his mood drops a few levels when he sees that it's closed. Louis never closes the door. Harry brushes it off because maybe Louis' in the bathroom or getting food, really there's many possibilities.

Except, when he starts to hear yelling, Harry isn't so relaxed anymore. On instinct he gets closer so he can hear better, the thought of it not being any of his business doesn't really go through his mind at all. Even if it did, he still wants to make sure Louis' okay.

Harry can tell that the person who's yelling isn't Louis because they have a much deeper voice. He can't quite make out what the person is saying but he knows it can't be anything good. The anger coming from the person is obvious and Harry doesn't have a good feeling about it.

What if this guy is yelling at Louis? Why would anyone want to yell at him at all? There's nothing Louis could've possibly done to deserve it. He's too sweet to upset anyone to this extent.

After listening for just a little bit longer, Harry decides to back away. He can't make out what either of them are saying so there's really no point in continuing to ease drop. He does feel kind of bad for listening in because it really isn't any of his business no matter how much he cares about Louis.

Maybe it wasn't even Louis who was being yelled at in the first place. It could've been any two people, right? Harry keeps telling himself that it's not that big of a deal and that he should just leave it alone, because he really doesn't have the time to be dwelling on this. He forces himself to leave and go back to his dorm because it would be really bad if someone opened the door and he got caught.

✿ ✿ ✿

"Harry, I just don't understand why you try and talk to people you know you don't have a chance with. Why put yourself through the trouble and stress?" Niall asks, as him and Harry walk to the school's library together.

Harry shrugs. "I don't know, I've liked him for a long time, you know that."

"Yeah I do, but that's not the point. There's so many other people in the world that you have a far better chance of being happy with than him." Niall looks to his friend who seems to be lost in thought, trying to come up with a way to explain how he feels.

"I can be happy with Louis," Harry says.

"You know that's not what I meant. You can be happy with him sure, but you'll never be able to have him in the way you want him. At some point you'll get over the buzz of finally getting to talk to him and reality will set in."

"You know," Harry starts as he opens the library doors and lets Niall walk in, "you're not being very supportive."

Niall sighs as they both sit down at the same table and get their books out to study. "I'm sorry, you know I'm always here for you but I guess I just want what's best for you and I feel like pining after someone who is already taken, isn't that."

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