❁ eleven ❁

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After the game Harry couldn't focus on anything. And even now, the only thing occupying his mind is the thought of Eliot and Louis. It's obvious that Harry's never liked Eliot, but nothing aside from jealousy ever provoked this opinion. After seeing how Louis acted around him though, Harry now has a whole different reason to not like the guy.

He doesn't know exactly what it is about Eliot that's off, but he's positive that something is. It's like a bad gut feeling. Just intuition.

Harry knows it's probably not his business and really he has no place trying to decide what's right and wrong about Louis and Eliot being together because ultimately, his opinion doesn't matter. However, that doesn't stop him from feeling the way he does.

The real problem, well one of Harry's many real problems, is that because it really isn't his place to say anything, there's nothing he can do to ease his distress about it all. All he really can do is sit and worry about Louis and how he's being treated. Louis deserves the world and if Harry knew that Eliot was giving him anything less, he'd have an issue. Then again, he already does have one.

This is something Harry knows that if he keeps worrying about it he'll overthink himself into some sort of mental breakdown, that's why he's going to try and distract himself. Thankfully he has a class that's supposed to be extra long so his mind will be taken up by something different for a while.

For now, while he's in his room, Harry tries to find anything possible to keep himself busy. First he organizes his dresser...then Niall's. He makes both of their beds, cleans off the desk, picks up the stray garbage which really is just crumpled up papers, sticky notes, empty water bottles, and other random things.

By the time he's finished the entire room looks almost brand new, also his class starts in fifteen minutes so his plan to keep busy was successful. Now it's just a matter of lasting until he has to figure out what to do after the lecture when he'd usually stop by Louis'.

Once he gets to the room his class is being held in, Harry finds a seat and waits until it begins. As soon as the professor starts talking Harry tries to focus on her and only her.

This works for a little while but three fourths of the way through, his mind totally drifts to Louis. This time though, it's not as stressful or anxiety inducing. This time the thoughts are just painful. It's not about Eliot this time, it's about how Harry knows he'll never be in Eliot's place and that just...hurts. It really fucking hurts.

As soon as the lecture is over, Harry packs his things up and heads out. Usually he does this as quick as possible but he's trying to give himself as much time as he can to collect his thoughts before deciding if he should go see Louis or not.

His heart says, yes go go go, but his head isn't so sure. This is all so annoyingly complicated. Why can't the situation just be a normal one? Why does Harry have to like Louis? Why couldn't it have been someone who's available?

Harry realizes almost the entire class has already left so he quickly packs up his things and puts them in his bag, before slinging it over his shoulder and walking out of the lecture hall.

As Harry makes his way down the hall, his heart starts to beat a little faster than normal. His heart always seems to do that around Louis but he knows that this time it isn't for the same reasons as before.

He's not so sure why he's so anxious and messed up over whatever happened at the game but he has a few small ideas of why. It was just a very awkward situation in his opinion, maybe it wasn't to Louis but to Harry it was.

The way Louis was acting just gave Harry a bad vibe and by the way Eliot seemed to treat Louis made it even worse. Harry is so torn between asking Louis about it or just keeping it to himself and he thinks that's really what's making this so hard.

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