❁ twenty three ❁

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Some might say that butterflies in your tummy don't really exist. That the euphoria of feeling so close to someone is just an aspect of the imagination, but Harry begs to differ.

Ever since that moment at the park with Louis four nights ago, Harry's been on cloud nine. Louis said he had feelings for him too. That's a dream come true. Of course Harry knows he's still got things he needs to work out and fix, but he's letting himself just enjoy the bliss of it all for now.

Harry wakes up early on Monday for his class. He's been waking up early the past few days because it's like his adrenaline has just been amped up to the next level. He has a harder time falling asleep too. He's not complaining though, he could use the boost of energy.

He can barely sit still during his class before going to see Louis. His mind just won't calm down. It's Louis this and Louis that. Again, he's not necessarily complaining, it's just he really does need to focus.

Finally after what feels like decades, the class is over. Harry quickly gets his things together and is one of the first people through the door and out to the hallway.

He doesn't waste anytime in walking to the studio as his long strides carry him down the hall. By the time he gets there, he's just a little out of breath. The door's open as usual and Harry can just barely hear the sound of music playing in the background while Louis paints.

Harry's not sure if he'd be able to keep the routine of doing the same thing almost everyday, as Louis has with coming to the studio. Well, he means if it were just him going. It helps Louis though and it's probably an escape to him, so Harry understands.

"Pretty," Harry says as he walks in to see Louis' painting. He's been working on this one for a while. A few months actually. He'll add to it every once in awhile when he's not working on something else. Harry can tell it's almost finished by now.

"Thanks," Louis says sweetly, almost visibly relaxing at the sound of Harry's soothing voice.

The atmosphere feels light and warm, as Let There Be Love by Oasis plays. Harry's noticed that Louis likes Oasis and the Gallagher brothers. Honestly, he thinks that Louis has great taste in music in general. He's surprised though, Louis doesn't look like the 'Oasis type' at first sight.

"Love this song," Harry says, as he gently sets down his back pack on the table.

Louis hums as he continues to paint The Lady in the Hat, which is what Louis titled the painting. "It's nice. Pretty."

"Like the painting," Harry says, sitting down in a chair at the table that's closest to Louis.

"Yeah, like the painting."

"Like you," Harry says. He knows it's a little risky, but it's worth it.

Louis stops painting mid stroke, holding his hand in place. He starts moving the brush against the canvas again after a split second as he smiles to himself, looking down for a moment. He doesn't look at Harry  or say anything but Harry can tell by the look on his face it made him happy which is all he could ask for

Harry can't contain the smile that spreads across his face at the sight of Louis blushing. Neither of their smiles go away for awhile and the warm feeling surrounding them intensifies.

"So, um, I was wondering...," Harry says, after a little while.

"Yeah?" Louis asks, still focusing on his work but also listening to Harry too.

"Would you maybe want to, if you're not busy or anything of course and like only if you want because I don't want you to like feel like you have to say yes or anything because that's not wha-"

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