❁ twenty four ❁

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"I can't believe he said all of that, so-so-"

"Confidently? He sounded like he knew what he was saying. There was no like, unsureness in his voice. I'm so proud of him, Lottie," Harry says to his friend who's sitting across from him in the cafe from the first time they met.

Lottie's looking down into her coffee with her eyebrows raised and a almost shocked look on her face. "It doesn't even sound like Louis from the last time I saw him. It sounds like a totally new person."

"I know. It came out of no where, too. Like he was just so, I don't know. He just sounded like he knew who he was, if that makes sense?"

"Yeah, it does. I mean it's not like I can't imagine him like that, because I've seen him act like that before, it's just it's hard to picture it with who he is now or I guess was," Lottie replies.

"I don't know. It's like we're in this middle spot of being in a good place on our own but still not being able to fully make it work," Harry says. "It sucks."

"Yeah...but on the bright side at least you know there's the possibility of it working."

"True. Honestly I think for now I'm just going to leave the Eliot thing alone. Louis' proven that he's at least aware of the abusiveness coming from him," Harry pauses and takes a sip from his own coffee. "He might still love him, but I can't change that no matter what. Only Louis can."

"You're right I guess. I just wish he'd figure it out."

Harry nods. "Me too."

"This is super sappy and cheesy, but I really think that you guys were like meant to meet each other. That you're meant to save him."

"That's a lot of pressure," Harry says, with a somewhat nervous chuckle.

Lottie sighs. "Yeah, sorry. I know how stressful this is. I don't want you to feel like you have to do anything specific."

Harry nods. "I know. I agree though, I do think Louis and I are meant to be in each others lives one way or another."

"You definitely are. No doubt about it. We just have to get that bastard Eliot of of it and then let the universe work it's magic."

Harry gives a small smile, feeling some of the tension he's had building up in him since this all started go away for a moment. "It already has, hasn't it? The flowers can't grow without the rain and all."

✿ ✿ ✿

Harry walks into the studio with a smile on his face and t-shirt in his hands. "Here," he says, tossing Louis, who's sitting at the table, his Ramones shirt.

Louis holds it up and tilts his head in confusion. "What's this?"

"A band tee. I told you I had some you could wear," Harry says, still standing in front of Louis.

Louis smiles. "You were serious?"

"Not at the time, but I am now. I want you to have it and wear it...if you want," Harry tells Louis, sitting down next to him.

Louis holds the shirt in his hands with a soft thankful look in his eyes. "I will. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Also, I have and idea of something we can do on Thursday," Harry says.

"Yeah?" Louis turns his body to face Harry, ignoring the papers in front of him that seem to be some sort of homework.

Harry nods. "Okay so be honest if you hate the idea, but there's this indoor amusement park like forty minutes away which I know it's kind of far but I thought it'd be fun."

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