❁ seven ❁

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For the next few days, the universe seems to really favor Harry. Him and Louis have been bumping into each other so often that it's unbelievable. Literally.

Harry was getting food at the cafe one afternoon and guess who needed coffee? Yep, Louis.

Louis was walking to his next class and guess who also happened to be coming out of the bathroom in the same hall? That's right, Harry.

And the one that seems to be the most unreal encounter, is when Harry was at the supermarket picking up some crisps and apparently so was Louis. But the craziest part is that they were going for the exact same kind.

Harry also stopped by the studio a couple of times. Nothing too interesting happened, but they got to talk some more and get to know each other. Harry feels like they've moved past the awkward just met phase and now they're simply friends.

And yeah, he was right, his feelings for Louis definitely haven't gone anywhere, if anything they've gotten stronger, but Harry's been able to keep it platonic out of respect for Louis and Eliot. Thankfully Louis' not the type to go on and on about his relationship because if he was, well Harry would probably die.

Today, Harry decides that he's going to bring Louis some coffee because he seems to drink it quite often and Harry needs something to eat so he's stopping at the cafe anyway.

Once he gets there he orders what he wants and then Louis' coffee too. Thankfully when Harry heard Louis order the day that they ran into each other, it was very simple and easy to remember so Harry's able to get something he knows Louis will like.

"Thank you," Harry says when the barista hands him his order.

Harry takes it and starts to walk to the art studio like he always does at this time of day. Harry wonders why Louis always seems to be there the same time everyday but he just assumes that Louis must just have that period of the day free.

When he gets to the studio Harry peeks into the room to see Louis working on something that Harry can't quite make out yet.

"Hey," Harry says causing Louis to jump a little.

After setting the paint brush down and wiping his hands, Louis turns around. "Hey, you scared me."

"Sorry," Harry apologizes. This can make up for it." He holds the drink out to Louis who just gives him a funny look.

"What?" Louis asks, not fully capable of believing that someone would be so kind as to spend their own money on him just for the hell of it.

"I got it for you," Harry tells him, stepping a little closer so that Louis will take it.

"Really? Why?" Louis asks, hesitantly taking the drink from Harry and eyeing it like he's not sure if he should accept it or not.

"Because I know you like it and I was at the cafe," Harry says casually before going over to the counter and sitting on one of the stools in front of it.

"Oh...thank you," Louis says quietly, not moving from his spot almost as if he's in some sort of shock.

"Yeah no problem. I like your shirt," Harry says referring to Louis' jumper that unsurprisingly is oversized and pastel.

"Oh," Louis looks down at his shirt and blushes. "Thanks."

"Mhm, why do you do the whole pastel thing?" Harry asks.

"Um," Louis starts, finally moving from where his feet seemed to be glued to the floor and going over to sit on the stool next to Harry. "I guess it just started one day and I kind of made if my thing or whatever. It probably stupid but it's one thing that I can always have control over and do my way."

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