❁ twenty six ❁

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"Okay, so are you alright with sleeping in my bed? I can sleep on the floor," Harry says.

Louis, who looks quite tired just gives a quiet scoff and a roll of his eyes. "No, you take the bed, I'll take the floor," Louis says. "It's your room."

"Technically it's the school's. Plus, my mom taught me to be respectful to my guests so on behalf of her, you must take the bed, sir."

Louis laughs and shakes his head. "Can't we both just sleep in it. I will literally be up all night feeling guilty if you sleep on the floor."

Harry looks to the bed wondering why he didn't think of that. "Yeah, sure," he says with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Right so, what are we doing in the morning?" Harry asks Louis as he shuffles through his dresser drawer to try and find him some comfy clothes.

"I don't know. We probably should've stopped at the apartment before to get some things. Lord knows I can't go back with him still there," Louis answers.

"Alright, here's some clothes you can wear, I have to go to the bathroom and stuff so just change out here," Harry says.

He's pretty thankful that their dorms have toilets inside of the rooms themselves. They do have to use the communal shower but it's better than also having to go every time you had to go to the bathroom.

As he did his business and washed his hands, Harry thought about how Louis probably would need a place to stay for awhile. The thing is, as much as he'd like to have Louis with him all the time, the school didn't actually allow students to have other people stay the night.

He thought maybe they could get a hotel for a few days, at least that way Eliot would have a harder time finding them if he tried. The only thing is, Harry has a very limited amount of money at the time, and he knows Louis doesn't work either.

Harry has some saved, a couple grand, but he's trying to save that for emergencies. Although, this honestly could qualify as an emergency. He doesn't know but he'll figure it out in the morning.

"Hey," Harry says as he walks out of the bathroom and is met with the sight of Louis in his sweats and t-shirt. They're big on him, not super big, but definitely oversized.

"Hi, I'm sorry about all of this, by the way," Louis says.

Harry furrows his eyebrows. "Why? None of it is your fault."

Louis looks down to the floor and plays with his hands. "I know...I just feel bad. It's stressful and I hate that I dragged you into it."

Harry walks over to Louis and grabs his hand, leading him to the bed. They lay down, snuggled next to each other with Louis comfortably resting his head on Harry's chest.

"You didn't drag me into this. If anything, I forced myself in to it. I'm the one that dug. I'm not saying I regret it, but it was my choice."

Louis softly breathes in and out, just as Harry does. It's a quiet moment, serene even. There's a certain level of comfortability between them that's never been there before. A connection they've never had.

It felt as if there wasn't a barrier between them anymore. As if all of what happened that night changed them and their relationship for good. For the better.

"Thank you," Louis says quietly as he closes his eyes.

"Thank you for letting me know you," Harry says back, gently rubbing Louis' back.

"No really, Harry. Thank you for being here. Thank you for saving me, for actually helping me see what I needed to see. You showed me what I really want and what I actually had. It means a lot," Louis whispers.

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