❁ twenty ❁

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"I can't do this Lottie," Harry says.

"Yes you can. I know it seems hard but you can do it," Lottie tells Harry. They've decided to meet up in person this time. It's early in the morning before any of Harry's classes, but it was the only time they were both free.

"I really don't think I can, though. Yesterday was terrible."

"I'm sorry."

Harry shakes his head. "I'm falling for him, hard. Honestly...I think I love him, like love him-love him." 

"I know."

Harry sighs and buries his face in his hands. "Fucking Eliot."

"Wait, it's Thursday right?"

Harry nods. "Yeah, why?"

"Well unless he's gotten a new job, I know Eliot will be gone until late at night. He works the late shift. Maybe you could convince Louis to do something with you. You know, like a date."

"I can't take him on a date. He has a boyfriend."

"He doesn't have to know it's a date. It will just show him what it's like to go on a good one, with someone who cares. Maybe it'll open his eyes."

"Yeah...that could be a good idea. I think there's a part of him that wants to give in. I don't want to sound full of myself but I think he might have feelings for me too, but he just doesn't show it."

"I'm sure he does. You guys seem to be perfect for each other."

"I don't know. I guess I'll ask him."

"Good. Let me know how it goes. I gotta run though, I have to get to work."

"Okay, have a good day, I'll text you later," Harry says, both standing up and giving each other a hug before heading out together and separating once they get to their cars.

On his drive to school, Harry thinks about what he said to Lottie. Does he think Louis might have feelings for him? Harry just kinda feels that he does. He doesn't really have any proof but he hopes he's right.

He doesn't think louis loves him, not yet at least, but he does feel a connection. He just hopes that at some point, even if him and Eliot are still together, that Louis will feel confident enough to tell him.

✿ ✿ ✿

"Hey," Harry says as he walks into the studio.

"Hey, Harry."

"I talked to Kendall, she said she can meet us for lunch in like an hour, if that's cool with you." Harry goes over to the table in to art room and sits down.

"Yeah, that's good."

"Okay and also, um, I have a question," Harry says hesitantly.


"Are you free tonight?"

"Uh," Louis pauses, as if he's debating on if he wants to tell the truth or not. "Yeah, why?"

"Well, I hear that the sky is supposed to be like, super clear tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to like go to the park and look at it with me?" Harry really hopes it doesn't sound too much like a date but he also doesn't want to say 'as just friends' because he feels like that would make it weird.

Louis thinks for a moment and Harry really hopes he says yes. Not even just because he wants to give Louis a good time but because he really would love to look at the stars with him.

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