❁ seventeen ❁

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After talking with Lottie, Harry does feel a bit better. He likes Louis' sister a lot and he's glad Niall came up with the idea to talk to her about this.

Today, he's getting to see Louis, so that's good. Everyday Harry's heart breaks for Louis more and more. It hasn't been that long, but maybe Kendall was right, maybe he is falling in love with him. Especially after talking to Lottie. He looks at Louis in a different way now.

Harry doesn't see him as a small fragile thing, he thinks Louis is the strongest person he knows. Even if Louis normalizes his relationship, it obviously has taken a toll on him and to keep going the way he is, to go to school and to put up this front, it takes a lot of effort and probably energy that Louis has very little of.

Harry feels closer to Louis now, Lottie helped with that of course. She made it easy to get to know part of Louis' deeper side. Yeah, it's from her perspective and not Louis' but it's still something.

Harry is more confident in talking to Louis, too. He feels more comfortable talking about more personal things. Harry thinks that maybe he should let Louis know some things about himself so Louis can feel more connected to him in the way that Harry feels to him now.

As soon as Harry gets to the studio, Louis' there to greet him. "Hey," Louis says, happy to see Harry.

"Are you busy?" Harry asks.

"No, why? You know you can come in anytime," Louis tells him, cleaning up some brushes and paint.

Harry walks into the room a little further and watches Louis as he walks back and forth in the small room, organizing things as he goes.

"Why do you come here everyday? Like is there a specific reason?" Harry asks.

Louis pauses for a moment and then resumes doing what he was doing. "I don't know. I started because I was having a hard time, I asked my art teacher if I could, she said yes, and I just came in. I guess it's just become such a habit. I'm the type to not break habit or routine."

Harry nods. "Oh, that's cool. I think it's nice to have like a place you love being in."

"Yeah, it is. Art is the one thing that makes me happy no matter what, you know? Like I know I can always rely on it to help me through something. Or to just lighten my mood."

Harry goes over to one of the chairs in the room and sits down as Louis still continues to clean paint brushes and the containers that hold the paint.

"That's good. Music has always done that for me. My sister, she had a lot of anxiety when she was younger, she still struggles with it but it's gotten a lot better, and her go to was writing. She loved to write and she was so good at it too," Harry says, hoping Louis can relate to it.

"I've always liked the idea of writing. I think it's cool how it's pretty much the same as painting a picture but with words. Especially the ones who can make you feel whatever the characters are feeling."

"Yeah...I never thought about it that way. The whole it being like a painting thing. I guess all art firms are like that though, telling a story. Like with music or drawing, or even dance."

"Yeah, it's beautiful, really."

"What would your story be?"


"If you had to paint it, what would it look like?"

Louis stops cleaning the paint brush in his hands and looks over to Harry with an unreadable expression. "I don't know. I'm not sure if I know what my story is yet."

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